Tag Archives: tired

Is “Yours” A trust problem too?

I have a confession to make–sometimes trusting God is a challenge. Last week, I was stressing about our finances. But here’s the thing–we have money to pay all of our bills. We have a roof over our head, two nearly-new vehicles to

Sometimes YOU get to choose the outcome!

Have you ever wanted the Lord to punish someone because they mistreated you? Or perhaps experienced road rage? Maybe you argued with the other driver like they could hear you from the confines of your car? Or perhaps you “retaliated”

Let God help you keep a positive attitude!

“Instead of spending all or most of your time thinking about how bad things are, how bad things have been and how things are still really not what you would want them to be, why not allow God to help you think about

Keep asking even if it “still” looks hopeless!

There is something about being a child that intrigues me: the simplicity of childlike faith that doesn’t take time to reason or to filter what is said—and has the confidence to ask and the simplicity to believe that they will

Keep pounding the Rock!

"You'll never move that rock, Mikey, it's too big." Not very encouraging, but Mikey had grown used to hearing it from his friends. Since moving to their home when he was only three, Mikey hated that rock and wanted his

A better year is possible! 5 Steps for Discovering God’s Will for Your Life!

Through our lives, we are given the option and choice of paths to follow. Many of these paths are ones that we take the pen and orchestrate, craft, or push to attempt to make what we would like to occur,

When life is “a little crazy”, trust God!

Blessed is the man who trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. (Jeremiah 17:7) God is a person: Our lives are not in the hands of some invisible “force” or blind “fate;” they are in the hands of

Tired? God can “Quench” your thirst and refresh you!

I enjoy long distance running. There is something exhilarating about the sound of my feet hitting the pavement whether it is the hottest day of summer, the coldest chill in the winter, or the most comfortable temperatures of spring or

As The New Year Begins, Take Time to REST!

The venerable preacher, Vance Havner, used to look over the top of his glasses and say to his congregation, "If you don't come apart, you will come apart." While not all stress is bad for us, too much of it

Get ready for YOUR new year!

Time never stops, at least for now. Time never stops but then neither does God! God is always working! Yet, while we are here on this Earth, the Sun will continue to rise and set, and the seasons will continue

The new year is coming…..at Some Point and Time YOUR Handcuffs will be changed..

If you are dealing with difficult circumstances in your life, if something is plaguing you and will not desist, then, like Paul, you can boast! (It’s the one and only time in Scripture we are encouraged to do so!) Why?

The barren Christmas tree!

We would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and an even happier New Year. The day that we have all been waiting for is here, Christmas, the celebration of God’s one and only son Jesus Christ’s

When times are hard, let God comfort you!

Every single one of us, at some point or another, has felt sorrow. Just as we go through times of joy and beauty, we will also experience pain and sorrow in this lifetime. While sorrow is unavoidable, we can find

Need help? Give God 5 Minutes Daily as Christmas Draws Near -Summon Your Turnarounds!

Understanding God can oftentimes be difficult, especially when you either don't understand what He is doing in your life or especially when you don't agree with what He may be allowing to happen in your life. As your Heavenly Father,
