When God Steps In!

Have you ever considered that some of the drama in your life could actually be God saving you from a more dangerous situation somewhere down the road? It occurred to me recently that since God knows the entire script of my life – and yours – He can save us from what we never even knew was a threat.
I was reading Psalm 71 recently and highlighted verse 15 in particular, where the psalmist sings:
“My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long – though I know not how to relate them all” (Psalm 71, NIV).


I started reflecting on God’s “saving acts all day long” and how many I might not even know about. I then started wondering if that is why some of the drama happens in my life. Could God be saving me from more dramatic and dangerous circumstances I never even considered?

I recently complained to God when I missed my turnoff on the way home from a speaking event and was inconvenienced by a detour in my attempt to get back on the freeway. Yet as I came upon a multi-car accident near home, I found myself thanking God that I wasn’t on the freeway minutes earlier when it had happened. How many times might God have saved you all day long and, like the psalmist says, there were too many incidents for you to sum them up? Or maybe, like me, you were so caught up in the drama of not getting what you wanted that you failed to see what God had ultimately saved you from?
How many times have you seen Him at work: Wow, it looks like that job I really wanted could have turned out to be a disaster. I’m so glad that it didn’t work out.


If I hadn’t forgotten something back at the house, I would’ve missed that important call.

I’m so glad now that he never called back. I may have been spared from a troubled relationship.
Yes, the Writer of your script and mine may allow unforeseen circumstances to come our way, but instead of stressing out because we’re inconvenienced, let’s instead thank Him for the bigger drama that He just might be protecting us from. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons Paul instructs us to “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV).

Prayer: Lord, how many times have I complained about my circumstances when you were really protecting me from something far worse? Help me to trust You with all that I cannot see, knowing You are in control and You have my best at heart.

Author C.McMenamin


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