Tag Archives: assurance

God has seen your hurt,your pain and your sorrow,help is on the way!

Have you every heard of the the OnStar button? Some time back, General Motors started installing this blue button on many of their vehicles. If you need help,all you have to do is press it. If you’re out of gas,if

God will change Your Pain..eventually!

During your times of hardship, you may often feel like whining, “Who needs this pain? I certainly don’t!” But often times this is a shortsighted reaction. You don't need hardship just for its own sake, but God wants to change

What if your prayers prompt your turnarounds?

When you pray to God, you are requesting something earnestly from Him and praising Him at the same time for all He has done for you. Prayer is a supplication or an entreaty to God, and it is a connection

Experience Freshness in YOUR Prayer Life with God – Pray The Psalms!

Making the Psalms a consistent part of our time studying the Bible is enriching and important. The Psalms are meant to be sung and prayed, but so often we just read through them on our own for words of encouragement.

Anxious? There’s An Antidote!

Are you carrying cares that weigh you down? Did you know it is possible to delegate those cares to Someone else, Someone who can actually take action that will bring about change? Delegating those cares is not easy, though. Not

Expect God to Resurrect your life as we celebrate Good Friday!

Easter Sunday is a cheerful day for Christians because they trust that Jesus ascended from the dead on this day. They believed that Jesus Christ’s resurrection shows that death is not the end of everything. Many go to church to

Want To Improve Your Life and Heavy Burdens? Memorize Scripture!

I know of no other single practice in the Christian life that's more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture. That's right. No other single discipline is more useful and rewarding than this. No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends!

Do You have faith in God the way He wants you to?

Have you ever wondered why God wants you to have faith in Him as He works in and through your life? Rick Warren has a great answer for what He thinks that faith is, He states that "'Faith is following

Be Like Evangelist Wendy Evans, Pray Early! Here are 10 Prayers To Get YOU Started!

A morning prayer is a wonderful way to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for the day ahead. Whether you need encouragement, peace, strength, or rest, God can meet you in a very real and present way

Not Forgotten

God's presence is not as intriguing as His absence. His voice is not as eloquent as His silence. Who of us has not longed for a word from God, searched for a glimpse of His power, or yearned for the

Don’t Worry, The Lord is Near!

Your hand trembles as you open the pathology report that has just come in the mail. Your voice breaks as you let your spouse know that you have lost your job. You don't know how much your friends notice your

God is for you, not against you

With all the pressures that we face daily, we may sometimes feel like God were a foe and not a friend. This feeling is without doubt baseless since God is not the source of your stress and headache. Many Christians

Is God included In YOUR Next Move?

Yes, old Jacob had learned some hard lessons about what happened when he did not talk with God and walk with God. Therefore, he wanted to be sure that God was in this. This was a big move for all

3 Reasons Why Your Prayers May Not Be Effective!

Are your prayers always answered? Or do you wish God might be hearing you every time you pray? Is prayer really a hit or miss way of communicating with God? Contrary to what many Christians believe, there is not one
