Trade your sorrows for God’s Joy! God can make a way!

When times are hard, help is very little, and your problems don’t seem to get any better no matter what, pray and trust God! Trust God to lead you to something better. God’s plan is perfect, and God is able to make a way where there seems to be no way! In the midst of difficulities it can be hard to know what to do, but that’s where God comes in. If you pray and trust God, He will show you what to do!
There are always people who have gone through worse than you and they are still getting by. They prayed and trusted God, and God showed up and helped them!
So we encourage you to keep praying!
?Even if you don’t see anything right away, pray anyway! God hears your prayers. He knows your sorrows, your disappointments and what has hurt you. God feels your pain, disappointment and disgust about how things have been for you!
It wasn’t right, you may not have liked it or you might not be able to believe that it happened to you, but God can wipe away the sting of emotions that often accompanies unfair treatments, bad circumstances, and just over broke circumstances when He enters into your life!
?What you have been through cannot be erased, but if you will turn to God and pray again. God will respond to your prayers according to His perfect timing and He will take care of you and show you the way. God can take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for your good if you trust Him! God can fix what is broken or replace it according to His perfect plans for your life. God wants to help you, so don’t give up now! Don’t quit now! Don’t cave into the ditch that the evil one has dug for you, reach up so that you can get up!
?Pray something so that God can do something! If you pray something, God will do something!
If you go some where God will go with you! Weeping may endure for a season, but when God gets involved in your circumstances, He will turn your sorrows to joy! Listen in to the audio below for a very inspiring insight on developing perservance as you seek God and try and figure out what to do next!
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Do you need help? Want a different way of doing thing? Can’t find the way? Jesus can Help! Jesus wants to help! Let Jesus help! Ask Jesus for help, instructions below;
Here’s how;
1. Acknowledge your problem.
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
2. Accept God’s only remedy.
I am the way. The truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me, Jesus Christ. John 14:6
3. Give Christ charge.
I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in.
Revelation 3:20 Offer (give control of) yourselves to God.Romans 6:13
Lord Jesus, I confess that I’m lost in sin and cannot save my own soul. Thank you for dying for me on the cross. Come into my heart right now, cleanse me from all sin in your blood and take charge of my life as my Lord and Savior!
Need to talk to some 1 about accepting Jesus? Go here;