Category Archives: Fresh Start

YOUR new levels are coming!

In the Focal Scripture in this article, the ruler of the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee queried the bridegroom about why he chose to keep the best wine till men were drunk with the old. The first wine finished,

Trust God to Renew Your Strength When Exhaustion tries to Take Over!

We have found that Life has a way of pushing us to our limits, testing our resilience and draining our energy. We've all been there—those moments when the weight of our challenges seems insurmountable, and the exhaustion feels overwhelming. In times

God is still at work in your life! Trust His timing!

What do you do when God closes a door—but the new door that you know He has for you hasn’t appeared or manifested yet? Welcome to Transition! We’ve all been there and some of you may be going through it

God has rest for you if you are weary!

Disasters, violence, division, and lawlessness overtake the headlines of the local, national, and world news. Our media lacks good news stories. Daily, I see that terrible things are happening within my city, state, and nation. Some say they do not

Seeking right pathways? Listen for God’s Guidance!

In our fast-paced and noisy world, finding moments of peace and clarity can be a challenge. However, setting aside daily quiet time to pray and listen for God’s voice can bring about profound transformation. If you are tired of what

Let God meet you at “Your” crossroads, God’s fresh starts includes Surprises and Smiles!

At this point in life, I take each surprise as a God thing, a lesson to learn, and a reason to smile! MO is at Black Rock Coffee in Hurst (New place — NOT Black Riffle), smooth dark roast is

Hard Pressed? Tired? Need Miracles? Release Impossibilities!

When you face an impossibility, leave it in the hands of the Specialist! Refuse to calculate. Refuse to doubt. Refuse to work it out by yourself. Refuse to worry or encourage others to worry. Stand against that. Instead, say, "Lord,

Lamenting before God may help!

We come into this world crying. We cry again, frequently, while we’re young—usually because of some temporary pain or sadness which rudely snatches us away from the simple wonder of childhood. And then, despite the richness and beauty of life,

Don’t give up! Trust God for a plan for your problems!

Do you ever feel like the trials in your life are testing your faith? I can relate. Sometimes our trials include our marriage, friendships, relatives, jobs, finances, children, or our health. Although having trials in our lives is unavoidable, there

If you do the possible, God will do the impossible!

I’m Joseph Z and I really want to encourage you with a thought. If you will do the difficult, God will do the impossible. Let me explain. It says in Galatians 6:9, it says, “And let us not grow weary

God is “calling You” to rise up and walk!

One day, when Peter and John were going to the temple to pray, a man who was lame from birth asked the two disciples for money. Day after day, the lame man was carried to the temple gate called Beautiful,

Great News! God is Ready to Give You A New Year!

I recently read a story about a prison inmate, whom we’ll call Dan. Dan and his cellmate had some volatile exchanges in the past, and then Dan’s cellmate wanted Dan’s boots. Dan refused to give up his boots to this

6 ways to start YOUR new year to get a fresh start!

The New Year is upon us and with that many of us will make “New Year’s Resolutions” in hopes of changing our “bad/old” habits into better/new habits. Even though most of us never follow through completely, it is the perfect

Get ready for YOUR new year!

Time never stops, at least for now. Time never stops but then neither does God! God is always working! Yet, while we are here on this Earth, the Sun will continue to rise and set, and the seasons will continue
