Important Update For You!

Dear God Seeker,
Thank you for your continued prayers and your heartfelt concern, together our Prayers have made a significant difference. God has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is able to Save, Sustain, and Keep those who live by His Holy Standards and trust in Him. To God be the Glory for sustaining us through the terrible storm Hurricane Irma. We never evacuated our homes or our offices and we experienced no damage, no power outages and no harm. At this time, we have been informed that hurricane Irma has left our area even thou there is still excessive rainfall and lots of debris. We have been told that hurricane Irma is traveling north seeking it’s next victims, so stay tuned to your local news because Hurricane Irma might be headed your way. Additionally Hurricane Irma has been changed to a category 1 and our area is still under a mandatory curfew until 3pm today with a suggested curfew of 9pm, however lots of folks have total disregard for this curfew and they are venturing out anyway.
As mentioned before, weather conditions are subject to God’s Power and His Providence, God has the right to alter the storm, change the storm or minimize the storms effects when He is called upon and relied upon thru Fervent Prayer when His standards for Holy Living have been adhered to before the storm occurred based upon His plans or purposes. Because God was called upon and relied upon thru prayer, He therefore did not allow the storm to touch us or harm us in any way, we experienced no damage, and we were all spared from the storm’s nasty powerful effects.
Storm Irma has been a very stressful storm to endure, and the cleanup of it will undoubtedly take a long time. As stated before, we have been bombarded with calls, emails, text messages, etc, additionally it has not helped that the news anchors are on T.V. And YOU Tube broadcasting doom, gloom, despair and disaster… it is in times like these that a Savior is needed because these circumstances were/are too powerful and overwhelming for Human wisdom, Human protection or Human intervention, so we therefore thank God for Jesus Christ, our personal Lord and Savior for sustaining us and keeping us from the brink of insanity because of having to go thru it. If you haven’t invited or accepted Jesus Christ to become your personal Lord and Savior, I’d like to invite you to do so right now before a storm comes your way and tries to choke the fricking life out of you and those you love. It’s real easy to do, repeat after me, say, “Dear Jesus, I need you, I therefore call upon you and invite you to come into my life to become my Personal Lord and Savior, I am sorry for my sins, please forgive me, please help me, Please take control of my life and become my personal Lord and Savior, I can’t figure some things out, I can’t protect myself and I cannot save my self, I need you, teach me how to follow you and how to surrender to your Lordship, it is in your name, I ask and pray – Amen!
Finally, We continue standing strong, trusting in Divine Power, Divine Protection and Divine Providence, Divine Replenishment to Prevail over our human conditions. Because our content posting is much needed and God sent even while dealing with such terrible and stressful circumstances, our tweets will resume as normal today and our content schedule posting times for this week is shown below; tweet schedule 9am -9pm Monday thru Friday and Random Saturday Morning Tweets
Word Press Blogs will be updated daily with random new content
Other Social Media Channels Content will be updated randomly
(Content posting subject to change based upon God’s Divine Direction)
Evangelist Wendy Evans
Founder and CEO OF WIN International Ministries
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock-Psalm 27:5