Tag Archives: But 

Don’t Give in To Despair, Claim Psalm 136:1!

When the going gets tough, the tough repeat this phrase over and over (or a variation thereof): “Give thanks to God for He is still good in spite of these circumstances, and His faithful love will endure longer than this

The barren Christmas tree!

We would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and an even happier New Year. The day that we have all been waiting for is here, Christmas, the celebration of God’s one and only son Jesus Christ’s

God has seen your hurt,your pain and your sorrow,help is on the way!

Have you every heard of the the OnStar button? Some time back, General Motors started installing this blue button on many of their vehicles. If you need help,all you have to do is press it. If you’re out of gas,if

Unanswered Prayers – The Act of a Loving Father!

Have you ever prayed to the Lord about a problem and felt your message didn't make it past His answering machine; that it remains there, unheard, until He picks up His messages at some future time? There are times when

Tune in to God as you pray – Listen for His answers!

Prayer is a powerful tool in our life that connects us to an all knowing and perfect God. Prayer allows us to communicate to God who is our Father in Heaven. "Most of the time, your prayers will be

Things will get better,God Will turn things around!

John the Baptist was languishing in prison and questioning his faith. He may well have wondered some of the same things that may have crossed your mind, such as: Is Jesus the Messiah? Is His word true? Have I

Remember, God doesn’t Want YOU to Worry!

One evening Our friend Rick came by all sad and depressed. We took him to our park to show him how carefree the animals were. When we got to the park we saw that Ducks swam happily, birds

4 Reasons Your Faith Needs God’s Promises

The first few years of becoming a Christian most people don't study or emphasize God’s promises. God has many promises of salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life. But in order to know what those promises are, you must read the

Still Unhappy With Life? God is working to change it!

Does it seem like your life has taken a downward spiral and it seems like there are no rebounds scheduled for you in the near future time soon? Child of God, if this is what your life seems like or

Need Help?God wants you to Keep seeking Him!

Get up and get going child of God, your very best is still yet to come! The entire theme of Christianity is rising back up again, no matter how many times you have been knocked down and no matter how

You’ll win if you don’t give up and quit!

In football when a player begins to score,what does the opposing team do?They assign  their best players to block him,tackle him,distract him,hinder him and keep that player from being able to cross the line to make a score!Because your life

Did you know Your prayers matter to God?

Do you ever wonder what is the point of praying? Have you ever thought that just maybe things were going to get better for you when all of a sudden you have to deal with something or someone that sets

Can God help YOU manage “YOUR” Stress?

Stress is a very popular part of society. It is not addressed in the correct way for most people. There is so much discussion about depression these days because there are more and more people that are faced
