Tag Archives: christ

Embrace your weakness just as God does!

It has become a part of our culture to try to mask weaknesses and faults, but Jesus encourages us to be open and transparent about our weaknesses, especially to Him, so that in our weaknesses Christ can become our strength. As

Inauguration Day: A Prayer for Our New President!

On January 20, 2017, President-elect Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, and Mike Pence as the 48th Vice President. For many in our nation, this season of change brings much hope. For

Be Still Before God! Get Ready For 2017!

Life is hard and difficult. Many times life leaves us feeling tired, worn out and broken-we believe that we are done-that we cannot take one more step. Life sometimes sees us moving from crisis to crisis. Sometimes difficulties in life

Has the chaos of Christmas caused you disappointments?

Depending upon where you are located in the world, we have 1 more day before Christmas and 7 more days before the end of the year. This year seems to have zipped by. As a matter of fact, it seems

~Twas the night before Christmas!

Here we are closer to Christmas, than we’ve ever been, can you believe it? Christmas is tomorrow!  Are you ready for it? We sure are! We too have made our list, and we’ve checked it twice. We have given our

Maybe This Holiday Season, God expects YOU to Press On!

Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark left Cyprus and sailed to the southern coast of Turkey—a land then known as Pamphylia, whose rugged coastline ascended sharply into the towering heights of a mountain range steeper and fiercer than the eastern Tauras

Is God Giving You “Instructions” While Seeking Him For 31 Days?

You would have thought that I would learn…for years on Christmas day afternoon I would be assembling toys for my children. You know the toys I'm talking about—the ones that came in boxes warning "some assembly required." I rarely consulted

Having a dry season?There’s a reason!

As God continues to work in and through your life to transform you, your situations and your circumstances, you may find that you will have to constantly "Let Go and Let God as He works". God understands how tiring it

Will YOU Be 1 of the 1’s?

When I was a little boy, my dad preached occasionally for small congregations who didn't have a regular preacher. Where he lacked polish, he compensated with his passion and colorful stories. One of his favorite sermons that I heard several

Seek God for 31 days! He wants to Change YOUR Seasons! A✉ Msg For You✉!

If you are very tired of worrying and having to go through things that YOU cannot change or control, you have probably figured out that you may need more help than what is available to you! Jesus Christ is offering

When times are tough, Choose God’s Will!

A major goal of wholesome, healthy Christians is the hope of reaching maturity before death overtakes us. I will tell you without hesitation that one of my major goals in life is to grow up as I grow older. A

10 Reasons You May Not Want to Pray for Trump. 1 Reason You Should!

All right. It’s Saturday, a few days after the election. If you stayed up for the election returns last night, you’re experiencing something like a hangover today. Donald Trump has been named President-elect of this country. Like it or not,

Is There Life After Election Day?

Yesterday the United States voted for its 45th President. This has been one of the most harrowing, dramatic, comical, and tragic of elections with more steep twists and turns than Lombard Street. We are sure that you got just as

Afflictions Help You See God’s Solutions- A Message For YOU!

Life can oftentimes be very overwhelming,very draining and it can wear you out. Jesus wants to help you win the battles that you currently face in life if you will invite Him into your circumstances. Jesus wants to help protect
