Tag Archives: healing

Walk by Faith-Leave Results to God!

Walking by faith is easy when we get the results we are looking for, isn't it? When our prayers are answered the way we want them to be and everything happens the way we want, it's easy to have faith.

Next Time Someone or Something is Stressing You out – Pray!

You may have first learned to pray at your mothers knee. You decided that, in times of trouble, prayer could open up a pathway to enlightenment and peace. You might have said a prayer before a big test, before showing

God’s turnaround includes your health!

In addition to turning things around in your finances, God wants to turn things around in your health. Do you ever wake up tired, not feeling good, or with a headache? A backache, a stomach ache, or any other pain,

Struggles exist for a reason!

Recently we've gotten dozens of prayer requests from around the world from people seeking and needing God to heal them because of the amount of sickness, pain and disease that seems to be occurring around the world. We decided to

Join with us in believing God for More!

The Lord is supernaturally moving in the earth realm both day and night, He is looking for those who have faith in Him and His abilities to provide. God is looking for those that will believe Him for more in

God wants to heal your broken pieces!

Have you ever felt as though your problems, circumstances or personal pain, although a big deal to you, seemed too small for God to be concerned about? Quite the contrary is true. God is not only your Creator and Father,

This Good Friday,Look to God to provide for your resurrection!

Do you wonder how you will have sufficient strength to meet some demand made upon you? God will provide! Do you doubt your ability to cope with some situation, with the persons involved? God will provide! Do you need wisdom,

What gift will you bring?

Depending upon where you are in the world and what calendar you are use daily, Christmas is fast approaching us. Here in Tampa Florida we are on Eastern Standard Time and according to our calendar, we have 5 more days

God is coming with Divine recompense for you!

Have patience with all things,but chiefly have patience with yourself.You have been through a lot,you’ve suffered a lot and you’ve lacked a lot.Do not lose your courage or your faith because some things seem to be either not right or seem
