Tag Archives: Like

3 Ways To Stay On Track As You Try to Reach Your Goals!

Your mind is a muscle. It needs to be stretched to stay sharp. It needs to be prodded and pushed to perform. Let it get idle and lazy on you, and that muscle will become a pitiful mass of flab

Want to Improve Your Spiritual Fitness? Here’s Five simple ways!

If this year's London Marathon got you thinking about how to stay in shape, why not take it a step further and consider what you can do to improve your spiritual fitness. Sometimes we can become so concerned with our

Want To Be Successful As You Work? Tune Your Heart to God’s!

What if members of an orchestra determined their own pitch? Rather than tuning to Concert A, they use their own subjective tuning fork? What would that sound like? Just imagine. We live in a world where the individual is god,

This Father’s Day,Give God Your Problems,Seek Him For His Promises!

Have you ever had an "Aha!" moment? I've had several in my lifetime, but one that sticks out as one of the best, happened one day in my Sunday school class. Our time was coming to a close and I

Still Waiting on Your New? Super-Size Your Prayers!

How big is too big? How much is too much? Is there a limit to what I can ask of God? Evidently, not. It’s as if God dares me, “Go ahead, push my limits. There are none! Do you want

Once God Rewires YOU, Live A Fully Engaged Life!

One of the biggest challenges we face is to stay fully engaged in life. That means living life with gusto. When we are fully engaged, if we cook a meal, we prepare something interesting. We don’t just grab a can

Are You Stressed At Work?4 Ways To Help You!

The working life today has risen several notches up the difficulty scale. Now, people work for longer hours for five days and sometimes, even for the entire week. There are many possible reasons for this change, like the economical pitfalls

When God’s Plans Differs From Yours! A Msg. For You!

Life's problems and troubles can drain you out and almost make you feel like you are having the life choked out of you! It doesn't have to be that way! You don't have to suffer and walk the lonesome road

Want Some Tips on What to do As YOU Wait on God?

Are you very tired, disgusted or just fed up? God does have a way to, a way thru, and a way across for you but He can't guide you if you don't do what you can do. Do you

#Seek God For 2 Days! YOUR Solutions May Depend On It! A Message For YOU!

Are you very tired? Do you feel stuck in situations that you can't change, can't get out of and don't like. Would you like some suggestions as to what you can do now as you look to God to move?

Your Right Times Will Come…eventually!

Did you know that There is a natural flow to all of life, nature and the universe? A flower blossoms, but only when it is ready. A child starts to walk at the right time. Love is fulfilled

Who Said Life Was Supposed To Be “Happy All The Time”?

There is no "happy ever after" in this life. There is just "endure to the end happily." Expecting a life free from pain and sorrow and filled with nothing but fun and happiness is unrealistic, even though the

Could YOUR Life Be Missing This? A Message For YOU!

Are you very tired, disgusted or just fed up? God does have a way to, a way thru, and a way across for you but He can't guide you if you don't do what you can do. Do you

If You’re tired, God Wants To Help!

Life's problems and troubles can drain you out and almost make you feel like you are having the life choked out of you! It doesn't have to be that way! You don't have to suffer and walk the lonesome road
