Tag Archives: Made

Ever wonder why God uses Little People?

At the center of the Bible is the reality that, in God’s economy, it is not the wealthy, the attractive, the influential or powerful who are welcomed into heaven and are used by Him. No, it is the least likely;

Are Strongholds Holding YOU Hostage?

Does one prevailing problem stalk your life? Where does Satan have a hook in you? Some are prone to cheat. Others are quick to doubt. Maybe you worry. Yes, everyone worries some — but you own the national distributorship of

Longing for success? It’s important you submit your talents to God first!

Success is something that everyone desires at some point and we know that to be successful, we need to maximise our gifts and talents. Many people think that self-effort in developing skills is all we need, but when we learn

Is What You Do More Than Just a Job?

A young fella rushed into a service station and asked the manager if he had a pay phone. The manager nodded, "Sure, over there." The boy pushed in some change, dialed, and waited for an answer. Finally, someone came on

God Wants You to Win! Spend 9 Minutes Or More with Him!Become A Winner!

You have probably already figured out that if you live life long enough, suffering is inevitable and you are going to experience different ups and downs. There are many harsh times and numerous hardships that often occur because of living

Will The Real Enemy Please Stand Up?…

As we walk through the carnage of a week of bloodshed and violence, many of us are simply stunned. Many of us are looking for someone to blame, looking for an answer, looking for a solution. In the coming days

God Is Molding You Into His Likeness!

Strange as it may seem, Paul tells us that Christians actually have within themselves a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Strange is the word! If I have the mind of Jesus, why do

God is for you, not against you

With all the pressures that we face daily, we may sometimes feel like God were a foe and not a friend. This feeling is without doubt baseless since God is not the source of your stress and headache. Many Christians

You Are A Masterpiece!

If you pass your days mumbling, "I'll never make a difference; I'm not worth anything," guess what? You'll be sentencing yourself to a life of gloom without parole! When you do that, you're questioning God's judgment. You're second-guessing the Creator's

Are You Living For an audience of one or Every 1 Else?

This new year has not started in the usual way for me – or in a way I would have chosen. I usually love the first week the kids are back at school; after the busyness, the time out of

Don’t worry,Tomorrow will Be a New Day!

Have you noticed that almost everyone you meet spend much of their lives worrying about yesterday and tomorrow? Yet one’s buried and the other’s unborn. There is not a thing that can be done about either – except let them

Have you grown impatient with God?

Dear child of God, have you grown very tired of where you are or have you grown very tired of waiting on the promises of God to manifest in your life? Has waiting on God caused you to grow impatient

Use Travail to birth your miracle this Christmas!

As of right now, depending upon where you are in the world, there are 5 more days before Christmas and 11 more days in this year, the clock is ticking. We've been speaking to you about finishing your 2015 strong

Let God clear your way!

In football when a player begins to score, what does the opposing team do? They assign their best players to block him, tackle him, distract him, hinder him and keep that player from being able to cross the line to
