Tag Archives: measure

Let God lead you to more!

Never let anyone tell you that you can’t succeed at what God has created you to do and what God has created you to be no matter what it is.  As you probably know, to achieve any goal in life,

Tired of Trying? Let God Help You Improve!

Recently, I walked through our church building trying to look at each room with fresh eyes. I had been reminded of how accustomed we get to those settings we view on a regular basis. It’s easy for us to overlook

God has seen your hurt,your pain and your sorrow,help is on the way!

Have you every heard of the the OnStar button? Some time back, General Motors started installing this blue button on many of their vehicles. If you need help,all you have to do is press it. If you’re out of gas,if

What to do When You’re Tired In Every Area Of YOUR Life!

Dear Wisdom Of God With Wendy blog reader, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the article listed below is meant to minister to some 1 that God needs to reach with the message shown below. We had

Congratulations! God wants to lead you to more!

What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “God of Increase?” Do you think of God simply helping you have more, or do you see Him helping you to become more and achieve all that He has created

If Your Life seem to be dragging, Seek God For Joy!

Are you a person who gives up easy when things do not go right? Does your life seem to be a dull routine drenched in boredom, and apathy? Does Time seem like it is dragging or working against you? If

God will change Your Pain..eventually!

During your times of hardship, you may often feel like whining, “Who needs this pain? I certainly don’t!” But often times this is a shortsighted reaction. You don't need hardship just for its own sake, but God wants to change

Trust God To Help YOU Manage YOUR New Year!

There are a number of different reasons why some people are afraid to trust God for His help. But it seems that in the troubling days we are living in, a few more people each day are at least considering

Ever wonder if God is talking to you? 3 Ways to tell!

God's voice is clearly distinct from the many voices that we hear each day. There are some giveaways that we need to be on the lookout for to be able to distinguish His voice from others. God's voice is

Want to Improve Your Spiritual Fitness? Here’s Five simple ways!

If this year's London Marathon got you thinking about how to stay in shape, why not take it a step further and consider what you can do to improve your spiritual fitness. Sometimes we can become so concerned with our

On This 4th Of July And Always YOU were Created To Shine!

In another life, I produced a fireworks show called “SkyConcert” that was choreographed precisely to music and broadcast live on TV and radio. In 25 years of doing that event we were never rained out. I asked the Lord once

What if your turnaround depends on you tithing?

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but will

No Matter What, Keep Dancing With God -Who Brought You!

Years before your junior prom, long before your kindergarten rendition of the hokey pokey, God began a dance with you. Before He sketched you out, He first sat down with a pen and paper and orchestrated every line of your

God has reasons adversity is in your life!

Are you having a lot of problems in life? If you are, then undoubtedly, adversity has reared it's ugly head in your life. Did you also know that adversity is a sign that God trusts you with trouble? When God
