Tag Archives: Never

Perhaps, What You Want Is NOT God’s will!

Every Christian has the desire to fulfil God's will in their life. God made every single one of us with a purpose, and no one was made by accident no matter what your past may dictate about you. Every believer

Do You have faith in God the way He wants you to?

Have you ever wondered why God wants you to have faith in Him as He works in and through your life? Rick Warren has a great answer for what He thinks that faith is, He states that "'Faith is following

Are the Yabbotts Visiting YOU to “Try To Steal” YOUR Joy?

"I can't seem to find God at work anywhere in my life? Where is he? Has Jesus abandoned me? Look at all that is going wrong with me and with my life and with my church — how could God

Can You Trust God Even Now?

Some Christians seem to be able to trust God no matter what happens. Perhaps you feel like, "I could never have that kind of faith." Are you sure about that? Don't be too quick to sell yourself short on matters

He is not here,He is risen!

Dear God seeker, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Easter Sunday! We hope and pray that where ever this article finds you in your life you will choose to thank God for the celebration

Give God 10+Minutes Daily, Let Him “Guide You” as Easter approaches!

I don't know about you, but I very rarely (if ever!) think of myself as being a sheep but following God as He leads you requires that you become like a sheep following your good shepherd. There are too

Do You have Faith to believe for what You can’t see?

Many years ago, when I was wandering recklessly in my twenties, I went on a weekend getaway with my best friend far off in the country away from the city's scurry and bustle. My friend had invited me to her

God is Speaking To You…Do You Hear Him?

When I was in my 20s I was praying about whether I should enroll in graduate school. Then one morning in my devotional time I came to Psalm 32:8 and it seemed to be flashing like a neon sign. It

Can God touch and guide YOU when YOU pray?

Sometimes life can be filled with many problems and those problems that life forces upon you can oftentimes make you feel not only very tired but fearful. But you don’t have to stay saddled down in the downcast anxious position

Make it easy on YOURSELF as YOU Seek God!Be Grateful!

Holidays are meant to be joyful. Our expectations tend toward picture-perfect, Facebook-worthy moments. The reality behind all the fluffed-up posts is often a lack-luster day, yielding strife and complaining instead of love and blessing.......

Can You Give This 1 Day To God?

After our sabbath services last Friday, a member of my congregation approached me at the social reception where we visit with each other and enjoy sumptuous desserts. She proudly said she was observing National Unplugged Sabbath, a project designed to

Ever Wonder If God Is Really With YOU?

God promised to never leave us nor forsake us. In fact, He desires to live with us, and has made that possible through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of Christ, the Holy Spirit can now dwell

Ever wonder if God is talking to you? 3 Ways to tell!

God's voice is clearly distinct from the many voices that we hear each day. There are some giveaways that we need to be on the lookout for to be able to distinguish His voice from others. God's voice is
