Tag Archives: son

Depressed? Tired? Draw close to God!

Most of us will have experienced periods where we have felt lower than normal, and a little further from the Lord. And, although it never feels like it at the time, most of us know that these low periods do

Satan has “Purposes For YOUR Pain”!

I’ve heard all of these statements from people in the midst of suffering: “I’m done with God.” “No one will ever understand.” “I’m never trusting anyone again.” “I can’t pray.” “I won’t pray.” The unrelenting blows of suffering can twist our hearts away from God. Satan has

You have A New Day, God wants you to enjoy it!

“This is the day that the Lord has made;let us rejoice and be glad in it.”-Psalm 118:24 - We all know that Bible verse even if we don’t know that it is from The Book of Psalms. There even is

Life Can Be Hard, But Trust God When You Keep Facing Challenges!

Psalm 20 is a beautiful invocation of God’s blessing and protection. The psalmist, David, learned from personal experience he could trust God completely. On many occasions he called out to God in dire need and God never failed him. Here

“Rise Up in Faith”: Embrace God’s Teachings with Endurance!

Are you feeling weary in your journey of faith? Do you sometimes question if God is truly guiding you? Take heart, dear reader, for in your weariness lies an opportunity for growth, strength, and divine revelation. It is during these

Confused? Let God’s word light YOUR way!

Do schedules, deadlines, urgencies, and emergencies crowd out your determination to refresh your heart and mind with Scripture? Do you ever need a little more motivation to be in God’s word on a daily basis and live it out? Two

God cares for YOU!!

When you are faced with problems and trials in life, it's so easy to think that you are alone. It's so easy to become very anxious! It's so easy to become very tired of having to go through the same

Don’t Worry, God will Help you!

Over the ages, God has been proven faithful by the many things that He has done for His people. In Genesis, we read Him saving Noah and his family from the wickedness of their time. We read God mightily delivering

Feeling Tired or weak? 10 Bible verses on the power of God!

In the Bible God says that we are powerful. He says that we have been given a work to do and that we are Christ's ambassadors on earth to spread the good news of his resurrection. This can feel a

Troubled? 5 Prayers that Help!

Is your heart troubled? Are you feeling like the psalmist, who asked his own soul, "Why are you in despair? And why have you become disturbed within me?" One of the hardest parts of knowing peace is understanding how it

Can God help YOU manage “YOUR” Stress?

Stress is a very popular part of society. It is not addressed in the correct way for most people. There is so much discussion about depression these days because there are more and more people that are faced

Need God’s Help? Spend More Time with God! 6 Ways You Can!

When I became a Christian , the most oft-used piece of Christian jargon was the phrase 'quiet time'. Used to describe the half-hour (at least) block of time which all Christians enjoyed each morning in prayer, worship and Bible study,

If You’ve gotten tired…Relax, Pray and trust God to Help!

David, weary and discouraged, had travelled by foot to escape Absolom, a murderous traitor, who most sadly happened to be his very own son. Had Absolom caught up with David while in this state, David’s life would have certainly been
