Tag Archives: Step

If ever You Feel Unworthy…Consider This..

Image by God Creates ~ Away for a few days He Chose the Cross. “Do you think I cannot call on my Father and he will at once put at my disposal more than 12 legions of angels? But how

God has a plan for your life!

Dear child of God, if you are going through something bad right now, no matter how bad it is, don’t worry because it will change. It will change because God has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 states for

Are you the victim of God’s Pruning Shears?

Recently when we had one of our round table discussions about God and what He is currently doing in the lives of the people around the world, we began to realize that not only is God at work in their

God wants to heal your broken pieces!

Have you ever felt as though your problems, circumstances or personal pain, although a big deal to you, seemed too small for God to be concerned about? Quite the contrary is true. God is not only your Creator and Father,

Is God nudging you yet to shift for something more?

If God calls you to it,He will help you through it,for God has said, “I will certainly be with you.” —Exodus 3:12 Many people who have stood on the threshold of greatness have caught a glimpse of the enormous challenges

Has God placed a dream in your heart?

Have you ever had a burning desire to do something big but lacked the resources or the funds to be able to do it? Have you ever dreamed of being more than what you are but you may have found

Allow God to change you when things don’t change!

A young woman lived in a home where she was very unhappy. She often complained to her friends and told them how difficult it was for her to stay there. She blamed her parents and the other members of her

Is your 2013 terrible so far?God can still change it!

Have you ever found yourself spending a lot of time thinking about the past and what happened,what didn’t happen and what you wished would have happened?  If you have found yourself spending a lot of time thinking on these things

Let God hold your hand!

  One of the joys of being with kids is holding their hands. We do it to keep them safe while crossing the street, or to keep them from getting lost in a crowd. And whenever they stumble and lose

Does your life seem like the Government has shut it down?

  Do you feel stuck in life? Does it seem like one door after another has been slammed shut in your face while you watch others sail through life with seemingly not a care or a problem in the world?

Are you seeking God for a breakthrough?

Dear child of God, no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in right now, God wants you to prosper. Your circumstances may  seem like God neither cares for you or wants you to prosper, but be informed that your

Are you depressed?

          We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we hope you remembered to thank God for His continued goodness in your life and for all that He has given you and for all that He will continue to give you. God

“Behold, I have put before you an open door” -Revelation 3:8

We are all, by nature,creatures of habit,easily lulled into complacency. However, God wants more from us so He nudges us forward, compelling us to change and to see the world through His eyes.As He does this, He reveals new opportunities
