Ever wonder what God is up to with what He’s allowing?

Our World is in Turmoil
So much is going on in the world today is an understatement. The corona-virus, the delta variant, Afghanistan/kabul problems, etc. It is difficult not to get caught up in all of it.
With all this going on, we have to believe God is in it. He is not being tossed to the side waiting for a chance to get back into the discussion. God is working.
The problem is, we don’t really know what that may be.
What the Disciples Went Through
I can’t help but think of the followers of Jesus during the passion week. The week starts with the exciting hope of Jesus coming into His possible reign. Crowds were cheering; Jerusalem was turned upside down.
Within a few days, Jesus is arrested, tried, and crucified. Rumors coming out that one of His disciples betrayed Him, and even Peter denied Him.
A few days after that, news is spreading that Jesus rose from the dead – His tomb is empty.
In the same way, we can see that our world is turmoil, we don’t know what is going on, but Jesus is secure on His mission.
What is God Doing?
Personally, I feel He plans on using someone unexpected. It seems to be how God likes to work. The Messiah king was born in a manager among the farm animals. The writer of the majority of the New Testament was one of the greatest enemies to the early church. The one called the man after God’s heart was the warrior who killed his tens of thousands.
Over 50 years ago, Martin Luther King led our nation a huge step forward toward racial reconciliation. Out of the oppressed people, God raised a man to melt the hearts of the oppressors.
In our times, I believe God will raise up another black man or woman to continue moving us forward. I also believe this person will lead our nation toward revival. I think the Church needs to be alert for their arrival.
David’s Wife Missed Out On God’s Blessings
David’s wife, Michal, grew up in the established kingdom as Saul’s daughter. When the ark of the Lord was coming back into Jerusalem, David led the procession with wild dancing. This was not the way a king was to present himself, and Michal despised him for it.
The Scripture tells us that God saw her judgement and never gave birth to a child.
When God does something new, He always births something new in us. Intimacy leads to reproduction. Michal missed out on the blessing God was giving because she despised God’s messenger.
Preparing for God’s Next Season
There is a stirring going on, and God is not absent. The place where the greatest pain has been felt is often where God’s answer will arise. Will we be open to whatever God’s answer may look like?
What if the person God uses does not have the “right” credentials, education, age, gender, or past?
Let’s be like Elijah, and ask if God is in the wind, fire, earthquake, or the whisper. He may not act like He has done in the past. He often does something new.
Let’s not miss what God is doing in the next season because we despised the fact it didn’t come like we expected. The Pharisees missed out on God’s arrival in their times even though they spent their entire lives in the study of Scripture.
Listening to What God is Doing
Good conversation means we dismiss our assumption of what will be said in order to listen to what is actually being said. Listening is being present for the conversation.
When we feel safe that the other person will not attack but will care for us, we can freely give ourselves to the conversation. Safety enables hearing.
The same is true with God. Trusting that He actually is for us, prepares us to listen when He speaks.
Love is returning to our world. God is ready to invade. He has heard our cries.
If you are ready for God to come, repeat this, Come quickly, God, speak to me, tell me what you’re doing! HELP me help you, tell me what you are doing!
While God is working, a lot of prayer is needed! Pray and pray a lot! Trust God to hear and answer your prayers for yourself and for the chaos that is engulfing our nation!
God promises His people relief from all troubles in this life and in the next. Faithful people throughout the centuries witness to dramatic deliverance from sickness, financial woes and all manner of troubles. In times of discouragement and sorrow, we can turn to the Bible and prayer to be encouraged and consoled by the God of all comfort.
Sample prayer;
Dear God, some days feel too hard. I’m hurting, struggling, fighting fear and worry at every turn. But in the midst of it all, you haven’t left me to fend for myself. Forgive me for doubting You are there. Forgive me for thinking you’ve forgotten. Forgive me for believing that I somehow know the better way. You are fully trustworthy. You are all powerful. You are able. You are Lord over every situation no matter how difficult it may seem. You are Healer and will never waste the grief I carry today. Anything is possible with You. I pray not only for my own grief, but also for those who grieve today. I ask for Your comfort to surround those who weep. I pray for the peace of Your presence to cover our minds and thoughts and our nation, as you remind us, the enemy can never steal us out of Your hands. Amen.