Tag Archives: abilities

Let God Help Use Your Problems to create A New Vision!

To really succeed in life, God wants you to have a God sized vision that He has given you, so that He can help you make it come true. God wants your vision to be so large and so impossible

Still Waiting on Your New? Super-Size Your Prayers!

How big is too big? How much is too much? Is there a limit to what I can ask of God? Evidently, not. It’s as if God dares me, “Go ahead, push my limits. There are none! Do you want

Once God Rewires YOU, Live A Fully Engaged Life!

One of the biggest challenges we face is to stay fully engaged in life. That means living life with gusto. When we are fully engaged, if we cook a meal, we prepare something interesting. We don’t just grab a can

Who Said Life Was Supposed To Be “Happy All The Time”?

There is no "happy ever after" in this life. There is just "endure to the end happily." Expecting a life free from pain and sorrow and filled with nothing but fun and happiness is unrealistic, even though the

In all things, Who Is Your Source?

Who is the source of your happiness? Your joy? Your peace? It is easy to make other people the source of our contentment. In fact, when it comes to our most intimate relationships, it is hard not

Is it not working `Cause You’re Hidden?

Any recruit who has been through boot camp can tell you that every hour of the day someone is ordering you where to go, when to be there, what to do, and how to survive. That's a vital part of

Even Mary-mother of Jesus had hardships!

Child of God, think it not strange concerning the fiery trials that are trying you and trying to choke every ounce of life out of you that they can, the devil is busy and He is on a mission to

You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

While the Bible was not written to be a scientific journal on the human body, it is amazing how much is included in the Scriptures that has to do with this subject. Frequently, we come across statements that specifically mention how

Have you ever Prayed for 1 thing but got another?

A father and son were walking along the throngs of people on a busy road, the father told him to hold his hands so he wouldn't get lost in the midst of the crowd. The child instead replied, "No dad,

Perplexed about where you are?

The rocky road of life doesn't always lend us information to inform us of just what in the world is going on in our lives as it shakes us, perplexes us and forces us all down and through paths that

God Sized Changes Require God sized Faith!

The road to salvation is the road to faith; Seek now the answers to your questions, ask for guidance and whatever it is that can fill your doubts. God cannot save you. Only your faith in God ever can. What

In 2015 God wants to open New Doors for you!

When young children begin exploring boundaries at the age of one or two, they frequently hear the word "no." "NO, you can't have a cookie before dinner. NO, you can't eat dirt. NO, you can't ride Fido around the living

Carrying yokes of burdens?God wants to help!

Psalm 69:4 (NKJV) states Those who hate me without a cause Are more than the hairs of my head; They are mighty who would destroy me, Being my enemies wrongfully; Though I have stolen nothing, I still must restore it.
