Tag Archives: bit

Allow God to change your disappointments to victory!

Life has a funny way of taking you down some long and winding roads that can really perplex you and make you wonder just what is going on. What you thought was going to happen sometimes doesn't and what you

Want something better? Meet With God!

God gave you a will to choose Him, and He’s not about to override that will. He gives us invitation towards intimacy, but, like a gentleman, He respects our choices and doesn’t control or insist on anything. Want intimacy with

Tired? God wants to refresh you!

One of the pitfalls of living in our troublesome world is that you can become problem-centered rather than God-centered. When this happens oftentimes you will lose the proper perspective. Gradually,all your problems begin to look huge and the strength of

Tired of working?Ask God for help!

As you walk with God, you've probably figured out that there is a lot of work to be done and things usually don't get done unless you work. Most people started working early in life and some started working later

Don’t Give in To Despair, Claim Psalm 136:1!

When the going gets tough, the tough repeat this phrase over and over (or a variation thereof): “Give thanks to God for He is still good in spite of these circumstances, and His faithful love will endure longer than this

God is planning the very best for you!

Some time ago, I was told a story by an acquaintance about a little girl who loved fashion, and in particular, jewelry. One afternoon, she and her mother were at the mall; as they stood at the checkout line at

Things will get better,God Will turn things around!

John the Baptist was languishing in prison and questioning his faith. He may well have wondered some of the same things that may have crossed your mind, such as: Is Jesus the Messiah? Is His word true? Have I

Until God brings Your “Something Good”, Here’s 6 Ways to change bad times!

When a bad day takes over it may feel like there is no turning around and no exit visible. Despite the rain cloud that is bestowed down upon you must remember that this too shall pass. Instead of looking for

Your New is coming…..Got time For an Appointment?God wants to meet with You!

Imagine that you've been invited to meet with the President of the United States in the Oval Office. You'd likely look forward to your appointment with great excitement. Now imagine that someone much more exciting - the God of the

God is at work in Your Life!Trust in His Timing!

As we go through daily living, our job is to figure out what God is up to, in our lives as He works. He has created circumstances in your life that has put you where you are. Sometimes as God

Want To Improve Your Life and Heavy Burdens? Memorize Scripture!

I know of no other single practice in the Christian life that's more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture. That's right. No other single discipline is more useful and rewarding than this. No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends!

If You are tired+UnMotivated,God has a Plan!

Do you ever have days when it is just difficult to get started and difficult to stir yourself up for even the simplest of tasks through your lack of motivation and confidence? Are you so tired sometimes that you find

Experience Freshness in YOUR Prayer Life with God – Pray The Psalms!

Making the Psalms a consistent part of our time studying the Bible is enriching and important. The Psalms are meant to be sung and prayed, but so often we just read through them on our own for words of encouragement.
