Tag Archives: changed

Let God help you turn the page!Evangelist Evans shares!

If you are very tired of worrying and having to go through things that YOU cannot change or control, you have probably figured out that you may need more help than what is available to you! Jesus Christ is offering

Are you tired?

Dear child of God, if you were looking for our daily devotional today, we were unable to send it to you because our server was down and did not allow us access until now. You will find today’s article below,

Are you waiting on God to answer your prayer?

Have you ever wondered why God makes you wait when you pray? Scripture makes it clear that our Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.Yet we all experience times when, though we pray for God to act right away,He does not.Have

Are you sick?Do you need God’s healing?

It doesn’t matter what you are going through right now,God is a healer.Exodus 15:26 states,”For I am the Lord that healeth thee;both in body and soul; in body,by preserving from diseases,and by curing your diseases when you are afflicted with
