Tag Archives: depression

Keep asking even if it “still” looks hopeless!

There is something about being a child that intrigues me: the simplicity of childlike faith that doesn’t take time to reason or to filter what is said—and has the confidence to ask and the simplicity to believe that they will

Let God help you keep a positive attitude!

“Instead of spending all or most of your time thinking about how bad things are, how bad things have been and how things are still really not what you would want them to be, why not allow God to help you think about

“Trust God for rest, if you’ve gotten tired of it all”!

Disasters, violence, division, and lawlessness overtake the headlines of the local, national, and world news. Our media lacks good news stories. Daily, I see that terrible things are happening within my city, state, and nation. Some say they do not

Hard times opens the way for God’s Revitalization, Refreshments and Fresh starts!

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. (Revelation 21:4) He has also set eternity in the human heart...

Don’t look back! God is providing something new!

I believe in being the best at what you do. I was great at sinning when that was my lifestyle. Now that Christ redeemed my life, I do my best every day to serve and please Him. I gave my

Depressed, Tired or Fed Up? Try Positive Prayers!

Each day that we live is full of questions and surprises. Despite plans and anticipatory actions, life can throw curve balls that we're not quite ready to tackle. When life challenges us it's important to retreat to prayer for comfort

God Sees YOU, God Knows YOU and God Cares for YOU!

Trying to control your own life is exhausting. Ask me how I know. With my mouth, I say I trust God, but in reality, I get overwhelmed by trying to fix and control things myself. “I trust God” becomes nothing

Can God help YOU manage “YOUR” Stress?

Stress is a very popular part of society. It is not addressed in the correct way for most people. There is so much discussion about depression these days because there are more and more people that are faced

God will keep working, but only if “YOU keep praying”!

We all know that prayer is an important part of our spiritual growth. There are countless stories of answered prayers and testimonies of those who have seen the power of prayer in their lives. But what do we do when

**Trust God for strength ~cause of what’s exhausting you!**

Let's be honest, we all have moments when we're tired to the bone—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When circumstances feel like an endless uphill battle, when problems seem to multiply by the minute, and when the people around us drain every

Do You Need Help? Here’s A Prayer For You!

Is there an event in your life, a trauma or a loss that is trying to block the light from shining for you? Has a shadow overwhelmed you? Does it feel like your day has turned to perpetual night? Scripture

God wants You to trust Him with your problems!

Have you ever been so consumed with your problems and personal concerns that it seemed there was no immediate relief in sight? Have you ever got just so tired of going through the same old thing over and over again

A Prayer for Joy…For You!

Faith and joy are practically synonymous. Still, we find those who walk the walk of faith doing so sad, defeated, and depressed. There are times when we come to the realization that we have missed a God-opportunity. This is almost

Even if it doesn’t look like it, God is “WITH you”!

Sometimes the realities of life are so overwhelming that it feels like God has deserted you. It feels like he has packed up and simply left the building, leaving you to struggle with life all by yourself. I know I
