Tag Archives: Enjoy

Happy Mother’s Day!

We'd like to take this opportunity to wish all mother's a happy Mother's day! We'd like to thank you for being you and thank you for all that you do, all that you've done and all that you're going to

God wants to help you avoid the devil’s traps!

If you have been following God for any length of time, then you’ve probably figured out that placed in your pathway are booby traps, obstacles, liars, thieves, scam artists, con artists and many different schemes full of bait and switch

Make Father’s Day For the Father In YOUR life Unforgettable!

Father-love is irreplaceable. Whether we’re celebrating our dads, stepdads, brothers, sons or other father figures in our lives, these men need to hear what a difference their love makes. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 CSB reminds us to “encourage one another and

Once God Rewires YOU, Live A Fully Engaged Life!

One of the biggest challenges we face is to stay fully engaged in life. That means living life with gusto. When we are fully engaged, if we cook a meal, we prepare something interesting. We don’t just grab a can

Are You Stressed At Work?4 Ways To Help You!

The working life today has risen several notches up the difficulty scale. Now, people work for longer hours for five days and sometimes, even for the entire week. There are many possible reasons for this change, like the economical pitfalls

Who Said Life Was Supposed To Be “Happy All The Time”?

There is no "happy ever after" in this life. There is just "endure to the end happily." Expecting a life free from pain and sorrow and filled with nothing but fun and happiness is unrealistic, even though the

God Knows What He is doing! Wait On Him! 8 Ways the devil is working to Keep You from God!

Satan wants to keep you from worshiping the One he hates, God. He wants to keep you from doing the right thing, whether that is spending time alone with the Lord in Scripture and prayer, attending and participating in public

Sad and Single on Valentine’s Day? A Prayer For YOU!

Almost everyone longs for romance. Little wonder. God was the One to think it up; we were made for relationship. When God created Adam, he knew He wasn’t done. “It is not good for the man to be alone.” So

Be Still Before God! Get Ready For 2017!

Life is hard and difficult. Many times life leaves us feeling tired, worn out and broken-we believe that we are done-that we cannot take one more step. Life sometimes sees us moving from crisis to crisis. Sometimes difficulties in life

What if your turnaround depends on you tithing?

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but will

In all things, Who Is Your Source?

Who is the source of your happiness? Your joy? Your peace? It is easy to make other people the source of our contentment. In fact, when it comes to our most intimate relationships, it is hard not

Don’t worry,Tomorrow will Be a New Day!

Have you noticed that almost everyone you meet spend much of their lives worrying about yesterday and tomorrow? Yet one’s buried and the other’s unborn. There is not a thing that can be done about either – except let them

Even Mary-mother of Jesus had hardships!

Child of God, think it not strange concerning the fiery trials that are trying you and trying to choke every ounce of life out of you that they can, the devil is busy and He is on a mission to

Worry less – Trust God more!

Are you concerned about what the future may hold for you to the point that it is trying to steal your joy? If so, God doesn't want you to worry. When you worry, it takes control of your thoughts and
