Tag Archives: joy

Don’t Worry, The Lord is Near!

Your hand trembles as you open the pathology report that has just come in the mail. Your voice breaks as you let your spouse know that you have lost your job. You don't know how much your friends notice your

Find peace and joy in the midst of Your challenges!

t's been said that peace and joy are a choice that we can make, but what does that choice look like and how do we truly choose a life filled with peace and joy? The Bible tells us that by

Ever wonder why God uses Little People?

At the center of the Bible is the reality that, in God’s economy, it is not the wealthy, the attractive, the influential or powerful who are welcomed into heaven and are used by Him. No, it is the least likely;

If You’re tired, Here’s -A Prayer of Supplication+Declaration For You!

Father God, I know I have often judged my own heart incorrectly. Forgive me for not extending the same grace to myself that You give me. Teach me to forgive and see myself and my heart the way you do...to

God has given you a coach-The Holy Spirit!

Often times when you are going through difficult times, it can seem like you are all alone with no one to help you and no one to guide you. But things are not always what they seem. Even when there

God is always Making You Smile, Wanna See God Smile?

“Let your face smile on us, Lord.” Psalm 4:6b “Let your face smile on us, Lord.” Psalm 4:6b “May his face smile with favor on us.” Psalm 67:1 “May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.” Number

In all things, Who Is Your Source?

Who is the source of your happiness? Your joy? Your peace? It is easy to make other people the source of our contentment. In fact, when it comes to our most intimate relationships, it is hard not

Something Is Going On….

Dear God seeker, God is up to something, and you have been drawn to this message for a reason. God laid it on our hearts to share today's newsletter with those that He would draw to this message.

Happy Father’s Day!

As we celebrate this Father’s Day, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all men who are Father’s a happy Father’s Day as well as all of the men who aren’t father’s a happy day. For all men have

Want To Read A Sample Of Our Random Newsletter?

God moves and breathes on us in many different ways to encourage you, share with you and speak to you regarding how He is choosing to work in your life and because of this, we've started to send emails to

Are Problems Holding You Hostage?

May I meddle for a moment? What's the one thing separating you from joy? How do you fill in this blank: "I will be happy when____?" When I'm healed...when I'm promoted...when I'm married...when I'm single...when I'm rich? With your

Ever wonder What Jeremiah 29:11 means? Come Closer!

My Old Testament professor had this to say about the ever-popular Jeremiah 29:11: “I am going to destroy what this verse means to you, but then I’m going to re frame it so you understand it better within it’s original

Did You Know God Picks who goes with You?

When we hear the Holy Father speak to us about the Christian life being a pilgrimage, he is telling us that life is not only about getting someplace quickly, rather it is about who is with you on the road,

As You Seek To Please an Audience of 1, You have to Choose!

It's quiet. It's early. For the next 12 hours, I'll be exposed to the day's demands. It's now that I must make a choice. And so I choose...I choose love. I will love God and what God loves. I choose
