Tag Archives: Pair

God wants You to trust Him with your problems!

Have you ever been so consumed with your problems and personal concerns that it seemed there was no immediate relief in sight? Have you ever got just so tired of going through the same old thing over and over again

God will change what you’re struggling with eventually!

It can be hard to keep trusting in the Lord and expecting His goodness in your life when your circumstances appear to be stagnant. No 1 likes stagnation including God but Remember your circumstances did not happen overnight, so in

7 Ways The Enemy is Working To destroy YOUR Christmas!

There’s an enemy in this world, he’s crafty and cruel, he’s on the prowl, and he hates Christmas. The very truth that Jesus came to dwell among us and set us free from sin, makes Satan fiercely mad, and he

Still Unhappy With Life? God is working to change it!

Does it seem like your life has taken a downward spiral and it seems like there are no rebounds scheduled for you in the near future time soon? Child of God, if this is what your life seems like or

“Rise Up in Faith”: Embrace God’s Teachings with Endurance!

Are you feeling weary in your journey of faith? Do you sometimes question if God is truly guiding you? Take heart, dear reader, for in your weariness lies an opportunity for growth, strength, and divine revelation. It is during these

Troubled? Can God Pick how He Wants to solve Your Problems?

Each day is full of opportunities for God to be a "problem-solver in your life." There are dozens of decisions that must be made — decisions that have an effect not only you, but on your family too. Some days

He is not here,He is risen!

Dear God seeker, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Easter Sunday! We hope and pray that where ever this article finds you in your life you will choose to thank God for the celebration

It’s September And God Wants To Open New Doors For You As You Seek Him!

When you reach periods of doubt here's a thought for you..... stop and change the music and the path you are walking on. Talk to new people, read new and different books, open your mind to new thoughts that will

Trusting God When You don’t Understand…

Understanding God can oftentimes be difficult, especially when you either don't understand what He is doing in your life or especially when you don't agree with what He may be allowing to happen in your life. As your Heavenly Father,

Get YOUR Groove Back, Get Up, Get Out And Get Thru! God Wants To Help!

The christian journey is 1 of hardships,setbacks and uncertainty.It can oftentimes be very difficult to know what God is doing in your life.God is not the author of confusion,He has created you and shaped you to be a rare Gem.Because

Want God’s Help? Important Message For You!

Life is not supposed to be so hard, so tiring and so draining, the devil is not supposed to triumph and win in your life by constantly causing problems, setbacks, lack, sickness, brokenness, depression, despair, anxiety, depression and anger. God

God is working to Give You This!✩A MessAge For You☃!

Understanding God can oftentimes be difficult, especially when you either don't understand what He is doing in your life or especially when you don't agree with what He may be allowing to happen in your life. As your Heavenly Father,
