Tag Archives: pathway

Can God change your pain to New Beginnings?

Any time is a good time to make a new beginning. At any point in your experience, you can make a change, find a new direction, and take a new path. You do not need to wait for the

God wants to help you avoid the devil’s traps!

If you have been following God for any length of time, then you’ve probably figured out that placed in your pathway are booby traps, obstacles, liars, thieves, scam artists, con artists and many different schemes full of bait and switch

Not Getting Any Results? Tap into the Power of Thankfulness!

The Psalmist outlines a fantastic pathway to answered prayer. Are you stuck in some dilemma and your answers seem to be on hold? Let’s ramp up the thanks and the vow-keeping and watch God reach down to save. The end

Something Is Going On….

Dear God seeker, God is up to something, and you have been drawn to this message for a reason. God laid it on our hearts to share today's newsletter with those that He would draw to this message.

As you wait on God for your turnaround…

God never promised that life would be a bed of roses for anyone. Instead of life being a bed of roses for you, you may find that your life is often filled with thorns. The thorns in your life may

Happy Father’s Day!

As we celebrate this Father’s Day, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all men who are Father’s a happy Father’s Day as well as all of the men who aren’t father’s a happy day. For all men have

God wants to help defeat adversity in YOUR life!

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face . . . You must do the thing that you think you cannot do.” We will

Next Time Someone or Something is Stressing You out – Pray!

You may have first learned to pray at your mothers knee. You decided that, in times of trouble, prayer could open up a pathway to enlightenment and peace. You might have said a prayer before a big test, before showing

God Wants to give you a financial turnaround!

The number one obstacle people have standing between them and the wealth they truly want is feeling as though it is simply "wrong" for them to have a lot of money. For many, it's a tie to "God", and a

Ways God’s Promises Can Transform You!

A whole chapter on God’s promises If you’ve ever read  Joel Beeke and Mark Jones’ book A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life then you may have discovered that their is  a whole chapter on God’s promises — showing how the promises

Are you the victim of God’s Pruning Shears?

Recently when we had one of our round table discussions about God and what He is currently doing in the lives of the people around the world, we began to realize that not only is God at work in their

Has God placed a dream in your heart?

Have you ever had a burning desire to do something big but lacked the resources or the funds to be able to do it? Have you ever dreamed of being more than what you are but you may have found
