Tag Archives: son

Sometimes, being at the Bottom can be A Blessing!

Hitting rock bottom has taught me a lot. Life situations like having to scratch together money for a coffee or to buy gas to get to work was less than memorable. The sadness over the loss of a loved one,

Does it seem like you have no way out? Have faith in God! Trust God for a plan!

Whatever unfortunate situations you find yourself in right now, God is able and willing to turn it around for your good and for His glory.You don't have to remain in circumstances that are less than God's highest and best for

Prayers for YOUR Pain!

No one likes pain. And for some, it feels unending. Pain can be physical, and it can be emotional. And yet, all pain hurts. And it leaves us asking questions; wondering why God allows our pain. Why Am I in

God will change what you’re struggling with eventually!

It can be hard to keep trusting in the Lord and expecting His goodness in your life when your circumstances appear to be stagnant. No 1 likes stagnation including God but Remember your circumstances did not happen overnight, so in

Don’t Suffer In Silence, Use YOUR Voice and Pray!

What do you need today? Every day seems to present challenges. They vary in size and type, but they all seem big in our mind’s eye, and many times there is no debate: they are big. Whatever you need today,

There is “Hope” for when it looks like it is “still not working”!

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of despair, feeling like there is no way out? It’s in these moments that it can be difficult to see any light at the end of the tunnel. However, even in what

Is it really God “Opening” doors ” for YOU?

Just because an opportunity presents itself, and it looks appealing, doesn't necessarily mean it is from God. And likewise, just because an open door looks a little uncertain, doesn't mean you shouldn't walk through it. The key is knowing how to

Hang in there! You’ll make it with God’s HELP!

Ever experienced a devastating disappointment that left you questioning everything you thought you knew? If so, you are in good company. As much as I would love to say my life has played out like a storybook fairy tale, I

Let God help you keep a positive attitude!

“Instead of spending all or most of your time thinking about how bad things are, how bad things have been and how things are still really not what you would want them to be, why not allow God to help you think about

Allow God to work His plans for you this month!

Do you ever worry about your future? Are you ever filled with fear about your future and what is going to happen in your life next? Life can be terribly unfair, with problems, setbacks, disappointments and suffering galore. If you

“You’ll experience peace if you relax and trust God’s way for you”!

Life is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. We've all had moments where our hearts ached for something we desperately wanted but never received. These missed opportunities can lead to feelings of regret, depression, and a deep sense

Troubled? Unsure? Perplexed? Starting A Prayer Plan May Help!

Prayer is a spiritual journey. Just as a journey from your present location to the other side of the country requires that you have a plan to reach your destination, you need a plan to assist you in your spiritual

Don’t Give in To Despair, Claim Psalm 136:1!

When the going gets tough, the tough repeat this phrase over and over (or a variation thereof): “Give thanks to God for He is still good in spite of these circumstances, and His faithful love will endure longer than this

The new year is coming…..at Some Point and Time YOUR Handcuffs will be changed..

If you are dealing with difficult circumstances in your life, if something is plaguing you and will not desist, then, like Paul, you can boast! (It’s the one and only time in Scripture we are encouraged to do so!) Why?
