Tag Archives: Spend

3 Ways To Stay On Track As You Try to Reach Your Goals!

Your mind is a muscle. It needs to be stretched to stay sharp. It needs to be prodded and pushed to perform. Let it get idle and lazy on you, and that muscle will become a pitiful mass of flab

Want to Improve Your Spiritual Fitness? Here’s Five simple ways!

If this year's London Marathon got you thinking about how to stay in shape, why not take it a step further and consider what you can do to improve your spiritual fitness. Sometimes we can become so concerned with our

Make Father’s Day For the Father In YOUR life Unforgettable!

Father-love is irreplaceable. Whether we’re celebrating our dads, stepdads, brothers, sons or other father figures in our lives, these men need to hear what a difference their love makes. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 CSB reminds us to “encourage one another and

Are You Stressed At Work?4 Ways To Help You!

The working life today has risen several notches up the difficulty scale. Now, people work for longer hours for five days and sometimes, even for the entire week. There are many possible reasons for this change, like the economical pitfalls

God Knows What He is doing! Wait On Him! 8 Ways the devil is working to Keep You from God!

Satan wants to keep you from worshiping the One he hates, God. He wants to keep you from doing the right thing, whether that is spending time alone with the Lord in Scripture and prayer, attending and participating in public

In Quietness And Trust, is Your Strength!

A farmer had been working all day in his barn pitching hay with a pitchfork. Feeling he had worked long enough, he reached into his pocket to pull out his pocket watch only to find it was missing. He knew he

~Twas the night before Christmas!

Here we are closer to Christmas, than we’ve ever been, can you believe it? Christmas is tomorrow!  Are you ready for it? We sure are! We too have made our list, and we’ve checked it twice. We have given our

God, is Your Time Management Coach!

Before you were born, the Scripture tell us, God outlined not only your entire life, but the moments of your life. He conceived the plan before you were conceived. He knew what it would take to complete that plan, the

Are You Trapped in the Wilderness Cycle?

Each of us has his or her own wilderness cycle. Some struggle with a quiver full of small children at home. Others have no children. Your test may not be related to the home at all; it may be connected

In all things, Who Is Your Source?

Who is the source of your happiness? Your joy? Your peace? It is easy to make other people the source of our contentment. In fact, when it comes to our most intimate relationships, it is hard not

Happy Father’s Day!

As we celebrate this Father’s Day, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all men who are Father’s a happy Father’s Day as well as all of the men who aren’t father’s a happy day. For all men have

“Are You Praying In Your Closet”?

One of the most difficult, but most important, things to learn to do is to “pray in your closet.” By that I mean to do good deeds, accomplish things, and serve others without having to draw a big crowd. When

Are You Living For an audience of one or Every 1 Else?

This new year has not started in the usual way for me – or in a way I would have chosen. I usually love the first week the kids are back at school; after the busyness, the time out of

Don’t worry,Tomorrow will Be a New Day!

Have you noticed that almost everyone you meet spend much of their lives worrying about yesterday and tomorrow? Yet one’s buried and the other’s unborn. There is not a thing that can be done about either – except let them
