Tag Archives: Spira

Sometimes, being at the Bottom can be A Blessing!

Hitting rock bottom has taught me a lot. Life situations like having to scratch together money for a coffee or to buy gas to get to work was less than memorable. The sadness over the loss of a loved one,

God has seen your hurt,your pain and your sorrow,help is on the way!

Have you every heard of the the OnStar button? Some time back, General Motors started installing this blue button on many of their vehicles. If you need help,all you have to do is press it. If you’re out of gas,if

Tune in to God as you pray – Listen for His answers!

Prayer is a powerful tool in our life that connects us to an all knowing and perfect God. Prayer allows us to communicate to God who is our Father in Heaven. "Most of the time, your prayers will be

Still Unhappy With Life? God is working to change it!

Does it seem like your life has taken a downward spiral and it seems like there are no rebounds scheduled for you in the near future time soon? Child of God, if this is what your life seems like or

Can God touch and guide YOU when YOU pray?

Sometimes life can be filled with many problems and those problems that life forces upon you can oftentimes make you feel not only very tired but fearful. But you don’t have to stay saddled down in the downcast anxious position

What to do When You’re Tired In Every Area Of YOUR Life!

Dear Wisdom Of God With Wendy blog reader, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the article listed below is meant to minister to some 1 that God needs to reach with the message shown below. We had

You’ll get through this!

God surrounds us like the Pacific surrounds an ocean floor pebble. He is everywhere; above, below, on all sides. We choose our response. Will I be rock or sponge? Will I resist or receive? There are times in life when everything

A Labor Day Prayer for YOU!

Father, I come before you thankful that you have made work a part of life and given me the opportunity to glorify you in my work. Thank you that I can work hard and go to bed tired each day.

Ever wonder if God is talking to you? 3 Ways to tell!

God's voice is clearly distinct from the many voices that we hear each day. There are some giveaways that we need to be on the lookout for to be able to distinguish His voice from others. God's voice is

Make Father’s Day For the Father In YOUR life Unforgettable!

Father-love is irreplaceable. Whether we’re celebrating our dads, stepdads, brothers, sons or other father figures in our lives, these men need to hear what a difference their love makes. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 CSB reminds us to “encourage one another and

On This 4th Of July And Always YOU were Created To Shine!

In another life, I produced a fireworks show called “SkyConcert” that was choreographed precisely to music and broadcast live on TV and radio. In 25 years of doing that event we were never rained out. I asked the Lord once

Random News Around The World!

Thank God Men and Women Are Different A priceless vein of God’s infinite wisdom and creative beauty can be found marbled throughout the marvelous and myriad differences He established between the two sexes – male and female. Thank you God


Looking through a camera lens clarifies what is needed to zoom in on a central theme of what is trying to be pictured. There is a   photography analogy, “Depression is the dark room satan takes you into to develop your negatives.” When satan

This Good Friday,Look to God to provide for your resurrection!

Do you wonder how you will have sufficient strength to meet some demand made upon you? God will provide! Do you doubt your ability to cope with some situation, with the persons involved? God will provide! Do you need wisdom,
