Tag Archives: Thou

Ever wonder why God uses Little People?

At the center of the Bible is the reality that, in God’s economy, it is not the wealthy, the attractive, the influential or powerful who are welcomed into heaven and are used by Him. No, it is the least likely;

Are You Trapped in the Wilderness Cycle?

Each of us has his or her own wilderness cycle. Some struggle with a quiver full of small children at home. Others have no children. Your test may not be related to the home at all; it may be connected

Are Strongholds Holding YOU Hostage?

Does one prevailing problem stalk your life? Where does Satan have a hook in you? Some are prone to cheat. Others are quick to doubt. Maybe you worry. Yes, everyone worries some — but you own the national distributorship of

God has given you a coach-The Holy Spirit!

Often times when you are going through difficult times, it can seem like you are all alone with no one to help you and no one to guide you. But things are not always what they seem. Even when there

Is What You Do More Than Just a Job?

A young fella rushed into a service station and asked the manager if he had a pay phone. The manager nodded, "Sure, over there." The boy pushed in some change, dialed, and waited for an answer. Finally, someone came on

Is it not working `Cause You’re Hidden?

Any recruit who has been through boot camp can tell you that every hour of the day someone is ordering you where to go, when to be there, what to do, and how to survive. That's a vital part of

Something Is Going On….

Dear God seeker, God is up to something, and you have been drawn to this message for a reason. God laid it on our hearts to share today's newsletter with those that He would draw to this message.

God Is Molding You Into His Likeness!

Strange as it may seem, Paul tells us that Christians actually have within themselves a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Strange is the word! If I have the mind of Jesus, why do

God is for you, not against you

With all the pressures that we face daily, we may sometimes feel like God were a foe and not a friend. This feeling is without doubt baseless since God is not the source of your stress and headache. Many Christians

Happy Father’s Day!

As we celebrate this Father’s Day, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all men who are Father’s a happy Father’s Day as well as all of the men who aren’t father’s a happy day. For all men have

Want to Know if it is Really God talking to you?

God is a loving Father who loves to communicate with His children. The Bible says that God's voice roars like thunder. At the same time, His voice is as gentle as a whisper. Whatever voice He uses to speak to

Expect God to lead you from barren,low and tight places!

A fresh new wave of God's goodness is headed your way as God begins to "shift" some things around in your life and as He re-orders new choices for your life. It may seem like you have been stuck in

Wait On God, He’s Working, A message For You!

If you've grown very tired of waiting on God's promises to come true, reflect on and remember the story we told you a few weeks of what happened when Evangelist Wendy Evans was waiting on the promises of God to

Want To Read A Sample Of Our Random Newsletter?

God moves and breathes on us in many different ways to encourage you, share with you and speak to you regarding how He is choosing to work in your life and because of this, we've started to send emails to
