Tag Archives: tired

Can God touch and guide YOU when YOU pray?

Sometimes life can be filled with many problems and those problems that life forces upon you can oftentimes make you feel not only very tired but fearful. But you don’t have to stay saddled down in the downcast anxious position

God wants to meet you at your crossroads!

It's easy to feel like you're stuck in a rut. But sometimes the answer to your prayers is just around the corner. It's time for you to pray and ask, 'God, what are you doing with me?' Trust that God

Tired of working?Ask God for help!

As you walk with God, you've probably figured out that there is a lot of work to be done and things usually don't get done unless you work. Most people started working early in life and some started working later

What to do When You’re Tired In Every Area Of YOUR Life!

Dear Wisdom Of God With Wendy blog reader, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the article listed below is meant to minister to some 1 that God needs to reach with the message shown below. We had

God has rest for you if you are weary!

Disasters, violence, division, and lawlessness overtake the headlines of the local, national, and world news. Our media lacks good news stories. Daily, I see that terrible things are happening within my city, state, and nation. Some say they do not

YOUR new levels are coming!

In the Focal Scripture in this article, the ruler of the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee queried the bridegroom about why he chose to keep the best wine till men were drunk with the old. The first wine finished,

Tired of it all?Invite God to help make things better!

 Even when you try to have a good day sometimes, things can still be rough and tough to deal with. Be encouraged today, you don't have to travel the road alone in life; God offers to travel it with you.

God is at work in Your Life!Trust in His Timing!

As we go through daily living, our job is to figure out what God is up to, in our lives as He works. He has created circumstances in your life that has put you where you are. Sometimes as God

Keep waiting on God,for He has not forgotten what He’s promised you!

~For it is not yet time for it to come true.The time is coming in a hurry,and it will come true.If you think it is slow in coming,wait for it.For it will happen for sure,and it will not wait.- Habakkuk

If you do the possible, God will do the impossible!

I’m Joseph Z and I really want to encourage you with a thought. If you will do the difficult, God will do the impossible. Let me explain. It says in Galatians 6:9, it says, “And let us not grow weary

Tired? Can God Refresh You?

Peace is something everyone wants, but so few enjoy. Many are troubled, confused and worried over various things happening in their lives and in the world. Catastrophes and sorrows are all around us and no family is exempt from adversity

Need healing? God is YOUR Healer!

Do you need God’s healing in an area of your life? God isn’t just the One who healed in the stories of the Bible. Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”That means Jehovah Rapha

Do You have faith in God the way He wants you to?

Have you ever wondered why God wants you to have faith in Him as He works in and through your life? Rick Warren has a great answer for what He thinks that faith is, He states that "'Faith is following

If You are tired+UnMotivated,God has a Plan!

Do you ever have days when it is just difficult to get started and difficult to stir yourself up for even the simplest of tasks through your lack of motivation and confidence? Are you so tired sometimes that you find
