Tag Archives: twitter.com/godsbailout

Want to Spark YOUR Prayer Life? 4 Ways You Can!

There is nothing better, I believe, than to pray back God’s Word to Him. We know that the psalms contain many prayers in the form of songs and David’s psalms are really prayers that were put to music.

Maybe What Has Happened occured so You May Learn who God is.

Everyone longs for a life that is satisfying. We search for paths to that ideal life, and often the roads we take are dead ends, or worse, they bring us harm, not happiness. Jesus offers us a life that is

Ever Wonder If God is in Control, Why Pray?

It’s a question we’ve all asked from time to time. If God controls each and every event, from the tiniest to the greatest, and has already decided what will happen, then why pray? After all, if it’s going to happen

Ever Asked God why He allows Such Hard Times?

Often times we ask God why does He allow us to go through difficult moments: the loss of a loved one, a career failure that led to money problems, poor health choices that led to sickness, and so on. We

Are You Ready To Jump?

My wife and I were vacationing in Hawaii when one morning she woke up and said, “I want to go skydiving.” I replied with two words, “Yes Dear.” What you should know is at the time she was afraid to

The Enemy Might Be Relentless and Strong, But God Is Stronger!

How long is God’s reach? It is further than your enemy’s. The battles we engage in, the Bible tells us, are not related to flesh and blood, that is, human beings; we are rather engaged in combat with fallen angels
