Tag Archives: Working

Do You Need Help Understanding God? A Message For You!

Understanding God can oftentimes be difficult, especially when you either don't understand what He is doing in your life or especially when you don't agree with what He may be allowing to happen in your life. As your Heavenly Father,

Want Results? Pray, Allow God to choose How to answer!

What is the big deal about prayer? Prayer isn’t wishful thinking. It’s not merely a state of mind. Prayer is certainly no waste of time. Quite literally, prayer is the most productive thing we can do when we employ the

In Quietness And Trust, is Your Strength!

A farmer had been working all day in his barn pitching hay with a pitchfork. Feeling he had worked long enough, he reached into his pocket to pull out his pocket watch only to find it was missing. He knew he

Is God Showing You A Fork In The Road?

If you’ve ever gone hiking in a state or national park, you’ve seen that every so often there are forks in the path. Typically at the fork, there will be a simple map showing what will happen if you go

Tired? Need Ways Out?Evangelist Evans Has A Message For You!

Understanding God can oftentimes be difficult, especially when you either don't understand what He is doing in your life or especially when you don't agree with what He may be allowing to happen in your life. As your Heavenly Father,

Some Of God’s Angelic Assistance is Human, Others are Divine!

No matter if you have a religious affiliation, Angels transcend those structures. Many people that work with Angels and angelic energy do not have a specific religious practice. For me, the bottom line is that if Angels speak (and sometimes

God is working to Give You This!✩A MessAge For You☃!

Understanding God can oftentimes be difficult, especially when you either don't understand what He is doing in your life or especially when you don't agree with what He may be allowing to happen in your life. As your Heavenly Father,

Missing WisdomOfJesus With Wendy?

Dear Jesus Seeker, We are aware that our site http://wisdomofjesuswithwendy.org/ is offline, the site was maliciously hacked again and taken offline by the current hosting company that we have, we are working diligently to get the site restored, in the

Not Forgotten

God's presence is not as intriguing as His absence. His voice is not as eloquent as His silence. Who of us has not longed for a word from God, searched for a glimpse of His power, or yearned for the

Ever wonder why God uses Little People?

At the center of the Bible is the reality that, in God’s economy, it is not the wealthy, the attractive, the influential or powerful who are welcomed into heaven and are used by Him. No, it is the least likely;

Darkness Almost always happens Before Dawn!

The process of discovering, processing, purifying, and shaping gold is a lengthy, painstaking process. Affliction is gold in the making for the child of God, and God is the one who determines how long the process takes. He alone is

Is What You Do More Than Just a Job?

A young fella rushed into a service station and asked the manager if he had a pay phone. The manager nodded, "Sure, over there." The boy pushed in some change, dialed, and waited for an answer. Finally, someone came on

Your Pain Maybe because YOU’RE in God’s Dental Chair!

Some people have an aversion to going to the dentist. They wait until it’s absolutely necessary to see one, and others never go. I can understand the fear and dread that can come with a dental appointment, even though I

Something Is Going On….

Dear God seeker, God is up to something, and you have been drawn to this message for a reason. God laid it on our hearts to share today's newsletter with those that He would draw to this message.
