Wait On God…..It will Be Worth it! God’s resources will show up!

Sorrow may last for a night But joy comes in the morning If only you believe with all your might Dancing will follow your mourning. The best is yet to come It’s always worth the wait Don’t lose it, don’t

Choose to go on, ~cause no Matter what, The Grace of God will be Sufficient for You!

The trials of life are part of God's lessons in grace. In every desert of trial, HE has an oasis of comfortthrough HIS grace. Our God pours out His grace on us abundantly and we become full of His love.

It’s no concidence!

It was 2:00 in the afternoon. I had an hour until the Vive+ television program began, and I had the privilege of answering ministry calls from people who wanted to know more about Jesus. I tried to start the car and I

Troubled? Worried? Tired? Spend Time With God! Expect God to help!

The Psalms are among the most human expressions found in the Bible. Psalms give us confidence that no matter what emotion we are feeling, we can share it with God. In this exercise, We want to invite you to write

Never Lose Hope, Delay Does NOT mean Denial!

Have you ever felt so hopeless in your life that you almost gave up on something? Maybe you have and you'll be glad to hear, it's really normal. I've read stories of Christians who almost gave up on their dreams.

God wants to meet you at your crossroads!

It's easy to feel like you're stuck in a rut. But sometimes the answer to your prayers is just around the corner. It's time for you to pray and ask, 'God, what are you doing with me?' Trust that God

As you wait, 10 ways to Trust God because He’s guiding YOU!

Trusting God in every situation can seem like a daunting task, especially when we are faced with difficulties and hardships. It's natural to feel scared or uncertain when life throws unexpected curveballs our way, but as believers, we have a

When Life Feels Like It’s Falling Apart, trust God for: A Roadmap to Restoration and Hope!

God knows what you are going through and how you are feeling.  The weight of unmet dreams, bitter disappointments, and constant letdowns can leave your heart feeling shattered, and God understands how heavy and hard it must be for you

Maybe what God has for you requires that you rest “first” before getting it!

There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no

God can still help you “make it through” if you trust Him!

Dear friend and faithful blog reader, if you find yourself in circumstances that weigh heavy on your heart, know that you are not alone. Perhaps you're facing challenges in your relationships, career, health, or personal struggles that seem insurmountable. The

Can God pick Your turnaround?

Each day is full of opportunities for God to be a “problem-solver in your life.” There are dozens of decisions that must be made — decisions that have an effect not only you, but on your family too. Some days

God has given you two choices!

We love choices. From the 1970s “Have It Your Way” Burger King jingle to the more than one hundred drink options in a Coca-Cola Freestyle drink machine, we like to express our preferences and make our selections. Having designed this characteristic

Things will get better,God Will turn things around!

John the Baptist was languishing in prison and questioning his faith. He may well have wondered some of the same things that may have crossed your mind, such as: Is Jesus the Messiah? Is His word true? Have I

When you don’t see nothing, God is doing something while you’re Navigating the silence of God!

Have you ever found yourself crying out to God, only to be met with a silence so profound it echoes through your soul? It’s a disheartening, sometimes terrifying place to be—especially when the stillness from Heaven persists as horrible circumstances
