Even if it doesn’t look like it, God is “WITH you”!

Sometimes the realities of life are so overwhelming that it feels like God has deserted you. It feels like he has packed up and simply left the building, leaving you to struggle with life all by yourself. I know I

Tired of Trying? Let God Help You Improve!

Recently, I walked through our church building trying to look at each room with fresh eyes. I had been reminded of how accustomed we get to those settings we view on a regular basis. It’s easy for us to overlook

God Is Not Surprised!

You may be surprised, after giving up all hope, that you found the person you’ve been searching for. But God isn’t surprised. You may be stunned when you find out you are pregnant… with twins. But God isn’t stunned. You

Does Your Focus Wander When You Pray?

The other morning as I prayed, the petitions rose beautifully. I felt the Spirit, and the prayers came from a deep place as I lifted up individuals who I often fail to remember. It felt so good. I got up

Troubled? 5 Prayers that Help!

Is your heart troubled? Are you feeling like the psalmist, who asked his own soul, "Why are you in despair? And why have you become disturbed within me?" One of the hardest parts of knowing peace is understanding how it

Troubled? Worried? Tired? Spend Time With God! Expect God to help!

The Psalms are among the most human expressions found in the Bible. Psalms give us confidence that no matter what emotion we are feeling, we can share it with God. In this exercise, We want to invite you to write

There is “Hope” for what looks like it is “still not working”!

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of despair, feeling like there is no way out? It’s in these moments that it can be difficult to see any light at the end of the tunnel. However, even in what

Ever Wonder if God is “Really” Present in Your Circumstances?

For anyone (and this means everyone) who has ever had to wait for something good to happen in their lives, Psalm 13 resonates. It's personally relevant as we personally shake our fists at a seemingly impersonal God, who seems 'AWOL,'

Trade your sorrows for God’s Joy! God can make a way!

When times are hard, help is very little, and your problems don’t seem to get any better no matter what, pray and trust God! Trust God to lead you to something better. God’s plan is perfect, and God is able to

Not sure what to do? Trust God’s word and ways to steer you right ways!

During my early spiritual journey, I developed a deep desire to study the Bible and understand God’s teachings beyond my regular reading. I would enjoy hours studying His Word, ancient biblical times and languages, and modern-day applications of Scripture.

Focus on new doors!

As I sought the Lord recently, I received some words of encouragement that I want to share with you today. Focus on new doors. Jesus tells us in Revelation 3:8,“See, I have set before you an open door, and no

Change What Was, Begin Speaking Blessings daily!

As believers, we can know in our hearts that God is sovereign and strong. We can believe that His plans for us, for our loved ones, are for good and that He has blessing in store as we follow after

7 Psalms to Help You Cope with Life!

If you’re like most people you are probably familiar with Psalm 23, which speaks of how the Lord is our Good Shepherd. You might even be well-acquainted with Psalm 139 which reminds us of how intimately God knows us, or

When You’ve Tried Everything and nothing works: Inviting God’s Angels to Help works!

In life, we all encounter moments when we feel like we've hit a wall. We've tried every trick in the book, exhausted every option, and yet, our circumstances remain unchanged. It's in these moments of weariness, frustration, and utter exhaustion
