Tag Archives: Answers

Is your life like Brad?

Sometimes it might look like things cannot get much worse for you. You may not be able to see how anything could possibly turn around for you! The world may feel like it is cashing in on you from every

Don’t worry,God will lift you up!

“Dear child of God,no matter what is wrong in your life, you don’t have to worry and you don’t have to be afraid anymore for no matter what,God will Lift You Up”! There is no better word than God’s Word,

Are you tired?

Dear child of God, if you were looking for our daily devotional today, we were unable to send it to you because our server was down and did not allow us access until now. You will find today’s article below,

This Good Friday,Look to God to provide for your resurrection!

Do you wonder how you will have sufficient strength to meet some demand made upon you? God will provide! Do you doubt your ability to cope with some situation, with the persons involved? God will provide! Do you need wisdom,

Don’t know what to do?

If you don’t know what to do or which way to go,pray to God.He loves to help.When you pray to God,You’ll get His help and His guidance.He will show you what to do and which way to go.You don’t have

God is coming with Divine recompense for you!

Have patience with all things,but chiefly have patience with yourself.You have been through a lot,you’ve suffered a lot and you’ve lacked a lot.Do not lose your courage or your faith because some things seem to be either not right or seem

Are you waiting on God to answer your prayer?

Have you ever wondered why God makes you wait when you pray? Scripture makes it clear that our Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.Yet we all experience times when, though we pray for God to act right away,He does not.Have
