God wants to help you with your impossible situations!



There are days that seem daunting and circumstances that may seem overwhelming. No matter who you are or what the conditions of your life are right now, even if it looks easy to others, you will have days when you feel like giving up. You will have days when you are just plain tired of it all and feel like you just can’t take anything more and you want to give up and quit. The best strategy to overcome what life throws at you is to be grateful to God in spite of what is not right in your life. Even in the most difficult, painful, scary, lonely, unfair, or heart wrenching circumstances, being grateful for what you do have will make you feel better. Being grateful will lift your spirits and will make you very appreciative to God for what He has done for you and for what has gone right in your life.

Everyone at some point and time is going to have  an enormously miserable day  but it is how you choose to respond to what has made you miserable that often makes the difference in wheter you remain miserable or pull yourself out of it.But you may wonder  how can you change your miserable circumstances and  be grateful when  someone you love  is dying, or your friend just lost their  job, or your kid just failed their  sophomore year, or you just found out that you didn’t get the job or promotion that you wanted  or maybe someone you love is making you miserable and you don’t see a way out? Well, to try to pull yourself up out of the slum of being miserable, you often will have to start very  small and for every bad situation that is making you miserable, ask yourself the following 3 questions;
1.       What is good about this situation?
2.       What good could come out of it?
3.       What am I supposed to be learning from this?

After you ask yourself these 3 questions, choose to honestly answer them and if your answers are good ones, you’ll be satisfied and will feel better knowing that better days are ahead. But if you can find nothing good at all about your circumstances we encourage you to invite God into your miserable circumstance and allow Him to;
1.       Show you what is good about the situation.
2.       Show you what good can come out of it.
3.       Show you what you should be learning from it.
Your view of your miserable circumstances is different from God’s view of your miserable circumstances. Once you take the time to really think about what is making you miserable and get God’s perspective on why He is allowing the miserable circumstance to continue, you’ll quickly realize that you shouldn’t waste too much time and energy dwelling in the sea of the miserable circumstances that currently exists in your life simply because God is simply using where you are as a temporary layover enroute to your permanent destination!
