Tag Archives: Much

Things will get better,God Will turn things around!

John the Baptist was languishing in prison and questioning his faith. He may well have wondered some of the same things that may have crossed your mind, such as: Is Jesus the Messiah? Is His word true? Have I

Your New is coming…..Got time For an Appointment?God wants to meet with You!

Imagine that you've been invited to meet with the President of the United States in the Oval Office. You'd likely look forward to your appointment with great excitement. Now imagine that someone much more exciting - the God of the

Don’t forfeit Your blessings,Wait on God as He works!

We've discovered that patience is not only necessary as you wait upon God to work and to answer your prayers, but it is required. We've found that it does no good to be impatient if you think that God is

Tired? Can God Refresh You?

Peace is something everyone wants, but so few enjoy. Many are troubled, confused and worried over various things happening in their lives and in the world. Catastrophes and sorrows are all around us and no family is exempt from adversity

Sometimes, being at the Bottom can be A Blessing!

Hitting rock bottom has taught me a lot. Life situations like having to scratch together money for a coffee or to buy gas to get to work was less than memorable. The sadness over the loss of a loved one,

Can You Trust God Even Now?

Some Christians seem to be able to trust God no matter what happens. Perhaps you feel like, "I could never have that kind of faith." Are you sure about that? Don't be too quick to sell yourself short on matters

Want To Improve Your Life and Heavy Burdens? Memorize Scripture!

I know of no other single practice in the Christian life that's more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture. That's right. No other single discipline is more useful and rewarding than this. No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends!

Are You In A Spiritual Rut? 6 Ways To Get out!

There are times when, for whatever reason, our devotional life goes stale. Bible reading seems like a colossal chore, our prayers feel tepid and weak, and our love for God ebbs. We feel like we are stuck in a spiritual

Do You have faith in God the way He wants you to?

Have you ever wondered why God wants you to have faith in Him as He works in and through your life? Rick Warren has a great answer for what He thinks that faith is, He states that "'Faith is following

Remember, God doesn’t Want YOU to Worry!

One evening Our friend Rick came by all sad and depressed. We took him to our park to show him how carefree the animals were. When we got to the park we saw that Ducks swam happily, birds

Don’t give up on Your God given dreams!

God is a God of purpose and planning. There is good reason for everything that He does. The fact that you are here, alive and not dead, means that God has a plan for your life and a purpose for

Congratulations! God wants to lead you to more!

What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “God of Increase?” Do you think of God simply helping you have more, or do you see Him helping you to become more and achieve all that He has created

Are You Prepared for Your New Plan B?

This is the time to plant new seeds of intentions as you prepare for God's next cycles of times of renewal and refreshment for your life . God is working, He's guiding you and He wants you to make new

If You are tired+UnMotivated,God has a Plan!

Do you ever have days when it is just difficult to get started and difficult to stir yourself up for even the simplest of tasks through your lack of motivation and confidence? Are you so tired sometimes that you find
