Tag Archives: cell

Are Your Troubles Because of Your High Calling?

Many professions draw public attention like warm watermelon draws flies. Those who practice them are constantly in the news. If it isn't the money they make, it's the company they keep or the trends they set or the controversy they

MayBe You Need A Set of Blinders!

Blinders are leather or plastic cups that are placed on either side of a racing horse’s eyes. They prevent him from seeing what is behind him, and sometimes from seeing what is on either side of him. They allow the

Are Problems Holding You Hostage?

May I meddle for a moment? What's the one thing separating you from joy? How do you fill in this blank: "I will be happy when____?" When I'm healed...when I'm promoted...when I'm married...when I'm single...when I'm rich? With your

A 2016 Prayer for you!

Dear God seeker, We are praying for you ! With news of all that is going on in the world right now and all that may be happening in your life, we want you to know that no matter what

In 2015 God wants to open New Doors for you!

When young children begin exploring boundaries at the age of one or two, they frequently hear the word "no." "NO, you can't have a cookie before dinner. NO, you can't eat dirt. NO, you can't ride Fido around the living

God’s turnaround includes your health!

In addition to turning things around in your finances, God wants to turn things around in your health. Do you ever wake up tired, not feeling good, or with a headache? A backache, a stomach ache, or any other pain,

Honoring The Job God Gave You Honors Him!

In what ways do most people honor God? Many people say, “I go to church to honor God.” “I read the Christian Bible to honor God.” “I pray and praise to honor God.” And yes, all of these are true

Ways God’s Promises Can Transform You!

A whole chapter on God’s promises If you’ve ever read  Joel Beeke and Mark Jones’ book A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life then you may have discovered that their is  a whole chapter on God’s promises — showing how the promises

Something about the name of Jesus!

As you get ready for the Christmas Holiday season, we are sure that you are bombarded with ads galore which are on TV, the internet, the newspaper, your email, your cell phone and billboards everywhere. But if you’re like us

Is your 2013 terrible so far?God can still change it!

Have you ever found yourself spending a lot of time thinking about the past and what happened,what didn’t happen and what you wished would have happened?  If you have found yourself spending a lot of time thinking on these things

Does your life seem like the Government has shut it down?

  Do you feel stuck in life? Does it seem like one door after another has been slammed shut in your face while you watch others sail through life with seemingly not a care or a problem in the world?

This Good Friday,Look to God to provide for your resurrection!

Do you wonder how you will have sufficient strength to meet some demand made upon you? God will provide! Do you doubt your ability to cope with some situation, with the persons involved? God will provide! Do you need wisdom,

Silent Night,Holy Night!

Well ya’ll there is only 1 more day before Christmas, if you haven’t gotten all of your Christmas shopping done, you still have time. With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it is so easy to get in a
