Tag Archives: godsbailout

30+ Prayers to help YOU celebrate YOUR Christmas!

Christmas prayers offer a beautiful way to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ and the many blessings we have. There is no doubt this year has been a difficult one for all of us. As we remember the love

Tired? Spend More time with God! Get Refreshed!

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the LORD and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Since it is human nature to battle against self-worship, we are tempted to focus on the latter half of this verse which

Remember, you’re Not the only 1 Praying! The Holy Spirit Is Praying For You too!

The third person of the Trinity can be the forgotten God. We often miss His work by simply forgetting Who He is and what He is doing in our lives. God is triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And all

Need a Fresh start? 5 Benefits you’ll get if you keep praying!

In the third century, there was a desert father named Abba Paul who truly understood the benefits of prayer. While the other monks made their homes on the outskirts of cities in order to make a living selling woven baskets, Abba

God hears you!

In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears. (2 Samuel 22:7 NIV) The cries that awaken a mother in the middle of the

You’ve given Your burdens to God, Now what?

Have you ever found yourself praying to the lord about a situation and get no response? A period of silence so long you either forgot the request altogether or began to question if it had been placed on an extended

Look for God’s Formulas for life’s frustrating problems!

If you are like me, you have likely tried to find your way through a difficult situation by your own strength. There are times when no matter what we do, it just doesn’t seem good enough. We get frustrated and

If You relax your expectations, God will show you A Plan!

The highest level of joy you will ever know is having a clear understanding of God's will and knowing how to fulfill it. Once you know that, you can lace up your shoes and start running. You can only win

Continue to trust God, despite YOUR disappointments!

When the children of Israel came to the edge of the Promised Land, they sent spies to scope out the area and take stock of what was awaiting them. They discovered beauty unimaginable and resources beyond comprehension, but they were

Meet with God “in the secret place”!

In college, I would often play gigs at local coffee shops to make extra money. I’d find coffee shops throughout town, ask if they needed live music, and then grab my guitar and my gear and play a show. I

It’s no concidence!

It was 2:00 in the afternoon. I had an hour until the Vive+ television program began, and I had the privilege of answering ministry calls from people who wanted to know more about Jesus. I tried to start the car and I

As you wait, 10 ways to Trust God because He’s guiding YOU!

Trusting God in every situation can seem like a daunting task, especially when we are faced with difficulties and hardships. It's natural to feel scared or uncertain when life throws unexpected curveballs our way, but as believers, we have a

Worried? Confused? Let God help you “choose wisely”!

Much depends on the choices we make. Every day is a new day where we can make decisions that influence our lives, either positively or negatively. Every day we make many choices. For example, what to wear in the morning,

God wants to do something new!

Here is a wonderful promise from God’s Word for the coming new year from Isaiah 43:18-19 – “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you
