Tag Archives: hard

Restarting Your Life is easy, If you Follow God!

No one achieves success overnight. Every successful person first has had to go through challenges. They have had to learn to wait and to develop the skill of patience. Patience isn’t a quality. It is a skill that we

Are you tired of going through?

Have you ever noticed how life throws you into one crisis after another? Before you get through going through one thing something else is either thrown at you or thrown on you that you have to deal with. If you're

Troubled? Can God Pick how He Wants to solve Your Problems?

Each day is full of opportunities for God to be a "problem-solver in your life." There are dozens of decisions that must be made — decisions that have an effect not only you, but on your family too. Some days

The barren Christmas tree!

We would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and an even happier New Year. The day that we have all been waiting for is here, Christmas, the celebration of God’s one and only son Jesus Christ’s

You can make it with God’s help! A Message For You!

Sometimes you may find it hard to have the energy and the passion necessary to keep going forward because you may be confronted with so many problems and so much pressure and stress! Part of the reason you may not

If things have been terrible, expect Seasons of Hope!

It’s the time of year when nature inspires a sense of awe in us. As leaves die, they give forth one final burst of color brighter than the paint on an artist’s palette. The sky takes on an unusually crisp

Ever Asked God why He allows Such Hard Times?

Often times we ask God why does He allow us to go through difficult moments: the loss of a loved one, a career failure that led to money problems, poor health choices that led to sickness, and so on. We

The Long, Hard Chill of Winter Seasons!

Are you ready for the long hard chill of winter? Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So

Bored? Tired? 4 Tips for Better Quiet Time With God!

The perfect quiet time— what should it look like? Should we have a special tree in the shade outside where we can watch the sun rise? Should it be an old wooden bench by the waterfront? Does it need to

Are the Yabbotts Visiting YOU to “Try To Steal” YOUR Joy?

"I can't seem to find God at work anywhere in my life? Where is he? Has Jesus abandoned me? Look at all that is going wrong with me and with my life and with my church — how could God

A Labor Day Prayer for YOU!

Father, I come before you thankful that you have made work a part of life and given me the opportunity to glorify you in my work. Thank you that I can work hard and go to bed tired each day.

Is Life telling YOU, YOU need to Schedule Quiet Time?

Scheduling quiet time isn't easy for busy moms or busy people is it? I find that a lot of the time I don't even have the time to sit down and schedule my quiet time. Sound familiar? Finding a
