Tag Archives: Lent

If You’ve gotten tired…Relax, Pray and trust God to Help!

David, weary and discouraged, had travelled by foot to escape Absolom, a murderous traitor, who most sadly happened to be his very own son. Had Absolom caught up with David while in this state, David’s life would have certainly been

Tune in to God as you pray – Listen for His answers!

Prayer is a powerful tool in our life that connects us to an all knowing and perfect God. Prayer allows us to communicate to God who is our Father in Heaven. "Most of the time, your prayers will be

God will change Your Pain..eventually!

During your times of hardship, you may often feel like whining, “Who needs this pain? I certainly don’t!” But often times this is a shortsighted reaction. You don't need hardship just for its own sake, but God wants to change

The barren Christmas tree!

We would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and an even happier New Year. The day that we have all been waiting for is here, Christmas, the celebration of God’s one and only son Jesus Christ’s

Unhappy With Life? God is working to change it!

Does it seem like your life has taken a downward spiral and it seems like there are no rebounds scheduled for you in the near future time soon? Child of God, if this is what your life seems like or

You’ll get through this!

God surrounds us like the Pacific surrounds an ocean floor pebble. He is everywhere; above, below, on all sides. We choose our response. Will I be rock or sponge? Will I resist or receive? There are times in life when everything

If You’re Asking God For Anything, Are You Using What He Gave You?

I was walking on the gravel road near our home this morning with our dog, Rhema, and I was praying Ephesians 1 and 3 as I do daily. First I pray it over myself; like an oxygen mask, I put

Do You have faith in God the way He wants you to?

Have you ever wondered why God wants you to have faith in Him as He works in and through your life? Rick Warren has a great answer for what He thinks that faith is, He states that "'Faith is following

Can You Trust God Even Now?

Some Christians seem to be able to trust God no matter what happens. Perhaps you feel like, "I could never have that kind of faith." Are you sure about that? Don't be too quick to sell yourself short on matters

When God Answers Prayer…You May Have To Move Your Feet!

A friend of mine, just posted this on Twitter "Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps, if you are not willing to move your feet".. I have read it several times... and I realize this is something most


Wait on the Spirit! If Peter and the apostles needed the help of the Spirit, don't we? They walked with Jesus for three years; heard his preaching and saw his miracles. They saw the body of Christ buried in the

Don’t Give in To Fricking Despair, Claim Psalm 136:1!

When the going gets tough, the tough repeat this phrase over and over (or a variation thereof): “Give thanks to God for He is still good in spite of these circumstances, and His faithful love will endure longer than this
