Tag Archives: pattern

Let God lead you to more!

Never let anyone tell you that you can’t succeed at what God has created you to do and what God has created you to be no matter what it is.  As you probably know, to achieve any goal in life,

As The New Year Begins, Take Time to REST!

The venerable preacher, Vance Havner, used to look over the top of his glasses and say to his congregation, "If you don't come apart, you will come apart." While not all stress is bad for us, too much of it

Perhaps, What You Want Is NOT God’s will!

Every Christian has the desire to fulfil God's will in their life. God made every single one of us with a purpose, and no one was made by accident no matter what your past may dictate about you. Every believer

Your Right Times Will Come…eventually!

Did you know that There is a natural flow to all of life, nature and the universe? A flower blossoms, but only when it is ready. A child starts to walk at the right time. Love is fulfilled

On This 4th Of July And Always YOU were Created To Shine!

In another life, I produced a fireworks show called “SkyConcert” that was choreographed precisely to music and broadcast live on TV and radio. In 25 years of doing that event we were never rained out. I asked the Lord once

Can God lead you to Freedom From Stress and Worry?

When we feel under pressure or stressed out, we tend to compartmentalize the issues. We categorize the event, the problem, or how we are seeing it and then justify our behavior. But God never created Life to be about about

Are you the victim of God’s Pruning Shears?

Recently when we had one of our round table discussions about God and what He is currently doing in the lives of the people around the world, we began to realize that not only is God at work in their

What gift will you bring?

Depending upon where you are in the world and what calendar you are use daily, Christmas is fast approaching us. Here in Tampa Florida we are on Eastern Standard Time and according to our calendar, we have 5 more days
