Tag Archives: word

Is God included In YOUR Next Move?

Yes, old Jacob had learned some hard lessons about what happened when he did not talk with God and walk with God. Therefore, he wanted to be sure that God was in this. This was a big move for all

Are Your Troubles Because of Your High Calling?

Many professions draw public attention like warm watermelon draws flies. Those who practice them are constantly in the news. If it isn't the money they make, it's the company they keep or the trends they set or the controversy they

Let God move the stones in Your life-A message for You!

Life's problems and troubles can drain you out and almost make you feel like you are having the life choked out of you! It doesn't have to be that way! You don't have to suffer and walk the lonesome road

MayBe You Need A Set of Blinders!

Blinders are leather or plastic cups that are placed on either side of a racing horse’s eyes. They prevent him from seeing what is behind him, and sometimes from seeing what is on either side of him. They allow the

As You Seek To Please an Audience of 1, You have to Choose!

It's quiet. It's early. For the next 12 hours, I'll be exposed to the day's demands. It's now that I must make a choice. And so I choose...I choose love. I will love God and what God loves. I choose

Have you grown impatient with God?

Dear child of God, have you grown very tired of where you are or have you grown very tired of waiting on the promises of God to manifest in your life? Has waiting on God caused you to grow impatient

God cares for you, Let’s examine Psalm 23!

Sometimes we need a reminder, that God's goodness is real. In a world of dark, He gets blamed for a lot of stuff that swirls around us, "Why would God let that happen? Why did God cause that to happen?

A 2016 Prayer for you!

Dear God seeker, We are praying for you ! With news of all that is going on in the world right now and all that may be happening in your life, we want you to know that no matter what

Even Mary-mother of Jesus had hardships!

Child of God, think it not strange concerning the fiery trials that are trying you and trying to choke every ounce of life out of you that they can, the devil is busy and He is on a mission to

It may not be working,`Cause something’s Missing!

There is still just one thing that is needful and that is More of the Word of God. It's the one thing that You cannot successfully do without. If you will attend to the Word and spend some time in

God has a “shift”for you! A Message For You!

Setbacks,bad breaks and things that don't work right will have no power over you when God's shift comes in your life! Evangelist Wendy Evans has a "now" word for you from God on "shifting things around"! Listen as she shares!

Tired of going through?It could be a test!

"Good morning class. Clear your desk. We have a surprise test today". Do you remember the agony and the butterflies that filled your stomach when the teacher would announce a surprise test? They never came at a good time.

Do You Need Your Soul Saved? A Prayer For You!

We are the faithful ones, whose souls will be saved. (Hebrews 10:39) …Humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls. (James 1:21) These two scriptures are written to believers,
