Tag Archives: Work

God will change Your Pain..eventually!

During your times of hardship, you may often feel like whining, “Who needs this pain? I certainly don’t!” But often times this is a shortsighted reaction. You don't need hardship just for its own sake, but God wants to change

Are You Spiritually Weary? 5 Ways to Overcome it!

Are you A weary saint? Let’s be honest and admit it, many of us experience spiritual fatigue,we get tired of going through the same old thing over and over again for what could be a variety of reasons. It could

Are you tired of going through?

Have you ever noticed how life throws you into one crisis after another? Before you get through going through one thing something else is either thrown at you or thrown on you that you have to deal with. If you're

Troubled? Can God Pick how He Wants to solve Your Problems?

Each day is full of opportunities for God to be a "problem-solver in your life." There are dozens of decisions that must be made — decisions that have an effect not only you, but on your family too. Some days

Weary From Spiritual Warfare? Expect A TurnAround!

Dear intercessors, Spiritual warfare is part of the Christian life. Psalm 144:1 says, "Praise be to the Lord, my Rock. Who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle." Exodus 15:3 says, "The Lord is a mighty warrior; the

God is working to answer your prayers!

Dear child of God, does it seem like you keep praying to God and either He is not answering your prayers or you don't recognize the answer to your prayers? If this is the situation that you might find yourself

Hard Pressed? Tired? Need Miracles? Release Impossibilities!

When you face an impossibility, leave it in the hands of the Specialist! Refuse to calculate. Refuse to doubt. Refuse to work it out by yourself. Refuse to worry or encourage others to worry. Stand against that. Instead, say, "Lord,

Need help as Christmas approaches? Prayers For When YOU Feel Overwhelmed!

Remember: God is not the source of fear. For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)When something or someone causes you to be fearful or worried, pray the prayers

Let God Help Use Your Problems to create A New Vision!

To really succeed in life, God wants you to have a God sized vision that He has given you, so that He can help you make it come true. God wants your vision to be so large and so impossible

10 Reasons To Be Thankful ~This Thanksgiving!

The holiday season is the perfect time to consider what you are thankful for and why. But Thanksgiving and Christmas aren’t the only times of the year to count your blessings. Finding gratitude and appreciating the small stuff in life

If things have been terrible, expect Seasons of Hope!

It’s the time of year when nature inspires a sense of awe in us. As leaves die, they give forth one final burst of color brighter than the paint on an artist’s palette. The sky takes on an unusually crisp

Perhaps This Might Help…

All of us long for perfect love – someone that understands us, knows who we are, and has us foremost on their mind. Everyone on the planet is searching for it. This longing for perfect love comes from our Creator

Ready to get up and get going with God? 7 ways to recapture your spiritual get up and go!

When I'm tired or overwhelmed I haven't got the capacity to be spiritual. It seems too much like hard work. My mind swirls with worries, to-do lists and what-ifs, and I'd rather flop in front of the TV than get

If You’re Tired of it Not Working, Not Changing, Not Improving, This Might Help! :)

King David crafted this despairing prayer when he was in the middle of one (of many) of the trials during his lifetime. This particular time of adversity was probably the most painful, as it involved his own son’s betrayal when
