Tag Archives: yo

Need a Prayer that works?Here’s help!

When you ask God to take away a trial, temptation or sin from you, is the answer usually "No"? We have received the promise that when we knock the door will open, and when we ask we will receive. Is

God does want to bless you but for a Purpose!

God does not have a problem with you being rich as long as He is first place in your life. In fact, He wants you rich. He needs you to help finance His end time harvest of souls. As Christ’s

Don’t let Your Problems make you lose your Faith!

1 Timothy at the end says "Guard what has been entrusted in your care." (v20). Consider his choice of words. You only "guard" something that is valuable but can easily be taken. If you have something that someone might want

Tired?Seek God for the strength to make it!

Life can be rough, tough and down- right terrible sometimes. Some of the things that we all have to go through as Christians are just plain awful. While it is true some of the things that happen to most

Want the Extraordinary?Seek God!

Has everyday living become boring to you? Is the thrill of living and the excitement of following God left you? Are you having more downs in life than up? Are you having more pain in life than pleasure? Has the

God is shaping You to reflect His Glory!

We are a mirror-like reflection of God’s glory. He chooses to use us to reflect His glory and character. What is God like? Look at a committed follower of Jesus and you will get a glimpse of the nature of

3 Reasons Why Your Prayers May Not Be Effective!

Are your prayers always answered? Or do you wish God might be hearing you every time you pray? Is prayer really a hit or miss way of communicating with God? Contrary to what many Christians believe, there is not one

Troubled? Give God your problems!

Are you faced with insurmountable problems that seem to be overwhelming? Have you tried almost everything that you can think of to solve your problems only to find that everything that you've tried or everything that others have advised you

Have you ever Prayed for 1 thing but got another?

A father and son were walking along the throngs of people on a busy road, the father told him to hold his hands so he wouldn't get lost in the midst of the crowd. The child instead replied, "No dad,

God has reasons adversity is in your life!

Are you having a lot of problems in life? If you are, then undoubtedly, adversity has reared it's ugly head in your life. Did you also know that adversity is a sign that God trusts you with trouble? When God

Have you ever wondered about Prayer?

Most of us have heard that all prayers are answered. We are told that God either says "Yes" or "No." What if the answer is "Yes"? What if the answer is "No" - how can we deal with it? How

Are you being held in God’s grip?

Believe it or not,you are exactly where God wants you to be in your life in this present season of your life,no matter how you may not like where you are and no matter how you might be wondering just

God is our Refuge and our Strength!

Have you ever needed a refuge, a place to hide from the storm? Our little boat was heading straight into a 50 MPH wind. My friend and me were out fishing on a small lake in the Midwest. We didn't

Perplexed about where you are?

The rocky road of life doesn't always lend us information to inform us of just what in the world is going on in our lives as it shakes us, perplexes us and forces us all down and through paths that
