When life is “a little crazy”, trust God!

Blessed is the man who trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. (Jeremiah 17:7) God is a person: Our lives are not in the hands of some invisible “force” or blind “fate;” they are in the hands of a person — Almighty God. God is not just our creator; he is our father, and he has a personal concern for our lives.
God is powerful: Only God has the power to guide our lives. He is sovereign over all people. We cannot be blessed if we argue with him or try to tell him what to do (see Romans 9:20-24). But, this does not mean God is to blame for the sins of mankind or the failures of nations.
God has a plan: He has a perfect plan for our lives (Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 1:6). We cannot see the finished product, but he promises us it is wonderful (1 Corinthians 2:9).
God is patient: He patiently works with us, tenderly leading us. God patiently directs in our lives, seeking to fulfill his will. Often he uses the hands of others to help shape us — parents, teachers, fellow Christians, even those who persecute us. It takes time to make a worthwhile product, and God is willing to wait. He created us, and he will take care of us.
Sometimes the world seems hopeless. Maybe it’s because of the violence that creates a domino effect as one outburst after another erupts. Maybe it’s the hardship we experience through illness, family conflict and money issues. Maybe it’s the messy political climate that leaves candidates and constituents alike entangled in disagreement.
Where’s all the good news? My hope does not rest in the affairs of this world. My hope rests in the Lord Jesus Christ who is coming again. As followers of Jesus Christ, we know there’s hope beyond this life — a glorious hope of something more, something greater than anything we can imagine, with no more sorrow, sickness, or pain.
With so much suffering and discord dominating the headlines — and even our personal lives — we may miss the good things happening around us. God is still working in the world, and we need to express our gratefulness for his protection and provision. The Bible (God’s Word) says his mercies “are new every morning” (see Lamentations 3:22-23).
The Bible predicts a new day is coming. There will be a golden age of prosperity when all perplexing problems — religious, social, or political — will find their complete solution. It will be a wonderful time for this mixed-up world. However, the Bible teaches mankind will not bring about this coming golden age. Mankind alone cannot. The flaw in human nature is too great.
Mankind has no ability to repair this damaged planet. God is our only hope. His plans are already formed and they are perfectly stated in the Bible.
Author -Ron Purkey
Purkey has been an ordained Baptist minister for 50 years.