“You’ll experience peace if you relax and trust God’s way for you”!

Life is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. We’ve all had moments where our hearts ached for something we desperately wanted but never received. These missed opportunities can lead to feelings of regret, depression, and a deep sense of despair. But what if we told you that there is a way for you to not just survive these feelings, but to thrive despite them?
What if we told you that God is not surprised by what you’re currently facing, how you feel about it and the hopelessness that has ensured because of it.

What if we told you that God’s not disturbed by what has happened, who won’t help you and what’s not working, the chaos, the disunity, the unfair tatics of the enemy, the current destructions that they’ve caused or how things seem to be? Would you want to discover why? If you do, keep reading!


We strongly caution you to not beleive what you see,

What you hear, and how things appear to be. All is not what it seems to be. God is not mocked. He sees, He hears, He knows, and He is working on those things that seemingly appear to be not right in your life, not working in your life and just way over the top.


Psalm 37:13-15 reminds you that because God sees, hears and knows, He laughs at the wicked, he laughs at what thinks it’s got you in a headlock and you can’t get out.  God leans and looks at what thinks it’s getting the victory in your life, because the Lord knows that a day of judgement is coming for the wicked and for all of those things that are trying to strangle you and keep you bound.

Wicked things and the wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to try to bring you down, discourage you, distract you, anger you and to slay you cause you are looking, you are trying and you want God’s ways for your life.  God sees this and “God has a time to and a way to deal with that which concernth you” and what ain’t right will be dealt with! 

Until God is ready to move, act, adjust, fix, sort out, dismantle, cancel, or change things, We have found that trusting in God as He works can be the anchor that steadies us amidst life’s storms. When you trust God’s way for your life, you can experience peace, joy and God’s abundance. Additionally, when you rely on God’s wisdom and love, you can find a deeper peace and enjoyment in the life you have now.

So let’s explore how you can deal with some of life’s discouraging circumstances as you wait for God to work in your life.


If you will decide to look to God again,

trust God’s way for your life and expect His help,

God can illuminate your path and bring joy, peace and blessings even when God’s help and His answers have seemed unattainable.

While you’re waiting on God to work in your life, you may encounter many different situations that may arise in your life that may not be what you had wanted, because of this, listed below are ways that you can begin to deal with them, so that you can begin to relax, let go and let God work in your life to bring peace and the orchestration of His plans for your life!

Accept YOUR Present: Let Go of Regret and Embracing Now

Regret is an insidious beast that can consume your soul one morsel at a time. You may find yourself wrestling with thoughts of “If only…” or “What if…” But holding onto yesterday’s mistakes and missed opportunities only steals today’s joy. God calls us to look forward, not back. There’s a reason your car’s windshield is significantly larger than the rearview mirror – you’re meant to see what lies ahead clearly.

When you come to God with your regrets, you’re not just relinquishing them into thin air; you’re placing them into the hands of the One who understands your pain and loves you unconditionally. Accepting the present moment and the endless possibilities it holds can liberate you from the shackles of regret. It’s not easy, and it may take time, but God promises to be there every step of the way.

Jesus himself reminds us in Matthew 6:34: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” It’s essential to fully immerse yourself in the present, to experience the beauty and the blessings that are right here, right now.

Being fully present means acknowledging that the life you wanted didn’t come to pass and that’s okay. It’s about recognizing that you’re precisely where you need to be, even if that place isn’t perfect. God can turn your situation around in ways you never imagined. So, let go of the regret; trust that God has something better in store.

Combat any Depression with Faith and trust in God!

Depression isn’t merely a fleeting sadness; it’s a relentless weight that drags you down. Like a dark cloud that blocks out the sun, it obscures hope and joy. But there’s a ray of light that can pierce through even the thickest of clouds: faith. Turning to God during moments of depression can be the first step toward healing. While God doesn’t promise a life free of suffering, he does promise to walk through the valley with you. Psalm 34:18 assures us that “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

There’s power in prayer, even when words fail you. During those times when you can’t articulate what’s weighing on your heart, remember that God understands. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words (Romans 8:26). You don’t have to fight depression alone.

Building a community around your faith journey can make a significant difference. Engaging with a church family or a small group can provide support, encouragement, and accountability. Sometimes, it takes the loving words and deeds of others to remind us of God’s unwavering love.

Depression tries to tell you that you’re alone, but faith reminds you that God is ever-present. Find solace in Scripture, where countless individuals who faced insurmountable odds discovered hope through their trust in God. Lean into those promises and let them guide you out of the darkness. Remember, it’s okay to seek professional help. Counselors and therapists can offer invaluable support as you navigate your journey.


Rise Above Despair: Find Hope in what God promises to do!

Despair can feel like a bottomless pit with no way out. It tells you that your situation is hopeless and that change is impossible. But despair is a liar. It blinds you to the possibilities that God has for your life. Just like Joseph in the Bible, who was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, you too can rise above your circumstances through your faith in God.

In Genesis 50:20, Joseph tells his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Joseph’s story reminds us that God can turn the most desperate situations around for our good and his glory.

When despair threatens to overwhelm you, anchor yourself in God’s promises. The Bible is filled with assurances of hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). God’s plans may be beyond our understanding, but they are always for our ultimate good.

Sometimes, it’s hard to see the hand of God in our lives, especially when we’re in the midst of a crisis. But faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Trusting in God means believing that there is a purpose even in our pain.

Practicing gratitude can also be a powerful antidote to despair. By intentionally focusing on the blessings in your life, no matter how small, you begin to shift your perspective. You’ll start to see God’s hand in the details of your life, which can reignite your hope.


Overcome  Tiredness: Trust God to renew you spiritually when you spend time with Him!  

Life’s demands can be exhausting. Whether it’s work pressures, family responsibilities, or personal challenges, feeling tired and worn out is a common experience. But there’s a special kind of rest that only God can provide. Jesus extends an open invitation to all who are weary: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Taking time to rest in God isn’t just about physical rest; it’s about spiritual renewal. When your soul is tired, no amount of sleep can rejuvenate you. You need to connect with the source of all peace and comfort. Taking regular time for prayer, meditation, and Scripture reading can significantly impact your spiritual well-being.

Think of it like charging a phone battery. Just as you wouldn’t expect your phone to function without regularly plugging it in, don’t expect your spirit to thrive without regularly connecting with God. It’s in those quiet moments that you will find rest for your soul.

Also, remember the Sabbath principle. God designed us to need a regular rhythm of work and rest. He rested on the seventh day, not because he was tired, but to set an example for us. Observing a day of rest can be a profound way to reconnect with God and rejuvenate your spirit.

Finally, don’t underestimate the importance of community. Sharing your burdens with trusted friends or family members can lighten your load. Allow others to minister to you, to pray with you, and to support you. It’s a humbling yet liberating experience that brings spiritual renewal.

It’s Never Too Late: Expect God to intervene according to His timing!

You might think that time has passed you by, that it’s too late to achieve your dreams or fulfill your purpose. But with God, there’s no such thing as “too late.” His timing is perfect, and he can bring about the most extraordinary changes in the most unexpected ways.

Abraham and Sarah thought they were too old to have children, but God had different plans. Moses was 80 years old when God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. These stories remind us that God’s plans defy our human understanding of time. When you place your trust in God, you realize that he’s not limited by your deadlines or discouraged by your delays.

Jeremiah 29:11 declares, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This promise is as true for you today as it was for the Israelites thousands of years ago.

So, if you’re feeling like it’s too late for you, turn to God. He can redeem lost time and bring about new beginnings. Instead of focusing on what you haven’t accomplished, ask God to reveal his purposes for your life in this season. You might be surprised at the doors he opens.

Cope with any Disappointment you feel cause of what hasn’t happened yet or because of circumstances you find yourself in: Trust in Divine Wisdom

Disappointment can leave a sour taste in your soul. It often leads you to question God’s goodness and wisdom. But it’s crucial to remember that God sees the bigger picture. While we might be focused on an immediate outcome, God is orchestrating a grander plan for our lives.

Proverbs 3:5-6 advises us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Trusting in God means believing that he knows best, even when it doesn’t make sense to us.

When faced with disappointment, take a step back and ask God for perspective. What’s the lesson here? What’s the bigger picture? Instead of dwelling on the closed door, look for the windows that God might be opening. Disappointments often pave the way for better opportunities that we couldn’t have envisioned.

Remember that even Jesus faced disappointment and hardship. In the Garden of Gethsemane, he prayed for the cup of suffering to be taken from him, yet he submitted to the Father’s will. Trusting God means surrendering your desires and accepting his plan, even when it leads you through difficult terrain.

Conquer Doubts: Build an Unshakable Trust in God

Doubt is a universal human experience, yet it can severely cripple your spiritual journey if left unchecked. When circumstances are challenging, it’s natural to question God’s presence and goodness. But faith isn’t the absence of doubt; it’s the decision to believe in God’s promises despite those doubts.

Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples, famously doubted the resurrection. Yet, Jesus met him where he was, inviting him to touch his wounds. Jesus didn’t rebuke Thomas for his doubts; rather, he provided Thomas with the evidence he needed to believe. God is not intimidated by your doubts; in fact, he invites you to bring them to him.

Building unshakable trust in God requires cultivating a relationship with him. This involves regular prayer, studying Scripture, and meditating on his promises. The more you know God, the more you will trust him.

Another way to fortify your faith is by remembering past instances where God has been faithful to you. Keep a journal of testimonies and answered prayers to remind yourself of his faithfulness during future moments of doubt.

Moreover, surround yourself with a community of believers who can encourage you and remind you of God’s truths. We’re not meant to walk this journey alone. Having people to lift you up when you’re struggling can make a significant difference.

Age is Just a Number: Embracing Purpose Beyond Years

One of the most limiting beliefs we impose on ourselves is that we’re “too old” to achieve something significant. But God has a history of using individuals regardless of their age. Whether it’s Sarah, who bore Isaac in her old age, or Caleb, who conquered a mountain at 85, your age does not limit God’s plans for you.

In the kingdom of God, wisdom and experience are invaluable assets. Older individuals bring a depth of understanding and a wealth of experience that younger generations can greatly benefit from. Titus 2:3-5 encourages older men and women to instruct the younger, showcasing the vital role they play in the community.

If you’re feeling like your best years are behind you, reconsider that thought through the lens of faith. God can repurpose your skills, experiences, and even your setbacks for new ministry opportunities. Ask him to reveal what new paths he wants you to take and be open to where he leads.

It’s essential to stay active, engaged, and willing to learn, irrespective of your age. The same God who created you knows exactly what you’re capable of. Embrace the season you’re in, and trust that God has a purpose for you that transcends age.

Deal with any infirmity that has shown up: Find Strength in Spiritual Health

Physical infirmities can be incredibly disheartening, especially when they limit your ability to do the things you once loved. Chronic pain and illness can cause you to feel isolated and even question God’s goodness. But it’s essential to remember that while our bodies may weaken, our spirits can be continually renewed.

The Apostle Paul dealt with a “thorn in his flesh” yet found strength in God’s grace. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, God tells Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Your infirmity doesn’t disqualify you from God’s plans; it can actually highlight his power in your life.

Maintaining spiritual health amid physical infirmity involves a disciplined focus on your relationship with God. Prayer, worship, and Scripture reading can all be sources of immense comfort. They renew your mind and spirit, even if your body remains frail.

Additionally, don’t hesitate to ask for prayer and support from your faith community. James 5:16 urges believers to pray for each other so that they may be healed. Lean into this divine communal support, understanding that there’s power in collective prayer.

Finally, recognize that your worth is not tied to your physical capabilities. God values you for who you are, not what you can do. Your life has intrinsic worth because you are made in God’s image and deeply loved by him.

Battle Sickness: Faith as a Healing Balm

Sickness, whether temporary or chronic, can be a severe test of faith. It can drain your energy, shake your confidence, and fill you with doubts. But God’s name is Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord who heals. Healing comes in various forms: physical, emotional, and spiritual.

In the Bible, Jesus healed numerous individuals, showcasing that God’s heart is inclined toward healing. However, sometimes God’s will might involve enduring the illness while developing deeper faith and reliance on him. The ultimate healing is, after all, a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Mark 5:34 tells the story of a woman who had been ill for twelve years. After touching the hem of Jesus’ garment, Jesus tells her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” Your faith can be your comfort and strength, even when healing doesn’t come as you expect.

Engage in a conversation with God about your illness. Present your needs before him and be open to his guidance. It’s okay to seek medical help while also relying on divine intervention.

Use your time of illness to draw closer to God. Let your faith be the balm that soothes your soul. Worship, even when it’s hard; pray, even when words fail you; and believe in God’s power to heal, whether in this life or the next.



Conclusion: Live a Full Life in God’s Embrace as you wait with patience for God to work! Experience God’s peace! 

Life doesn’t always unfold as we plan, and sometimes our dreams remain unfulfilled. Yet, the beauty of trusting God lies in the peace and joy that transcend circumstances. When you relinquish your regrets, combat depression with faith, rise above despair with hope, and renew your weary spirit, you tap into a divine strength.

Recognize that God’s timing is perfect, and it’s never too late for his plans to manifest in your life. Trust his wisdom amidst disappointment, strengthen your faith amidst doubt, and realize that age is just a number in God’s kingdom. Your physical infirmities and sickness do not diminish your worth or purpose. In fact, they might just be the stage where God displays his glory most profoundly.

When you trust God fully, you begin to see your life through his eyes. Every challenge becomes an opportunity, every setback a setup for something greater. Embrace the life you have now, trusting that God’s plans are for your good. Live in the fullness of his grace, knowing that he is with you every step of the way, transforming your journey into a tapestry of purpose and joy.

Join us in prayer, as we conclude this blog post;
?? Heavenly Father, as those who have delved into the wisdom of this peace-seeking blog post seek Your guidance, may Your presence bring calm to their restless hearts. Instill in them the courage to trust in Your perfect plan, even when things seem uncertain. May they be reminded to return to these words of truth often because they are a beacon of hope in times of need.
Lead them back to this well of wisdom, reminding them that true peace comes from resting in Your unfailing love. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ?? Have faith in God, even if it would appear that the “gig” just ain’t working, God will make a way somehow!
Evangelist Wendy Evans
Founder and CEO Of WIN International Ministries
