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Does your business need financing help?
12:59 PM By Win International MinistriesAre you a coach, a strategic consultant, a dynamic trainer, an innovative online course creator, or a professional involved in selling products or services that can Read More »
Recent Posts
Is God Meeting With You Unrecognized?
7:00 AM By Win Internation MinistriesRiding a bicycle is not only good exercise, an excuse to enjoy God's green earth, and good for the environment; it's also a way to be Read More » -
Calm YOUR Anxiety with Scripture and Prayer!
12:59 PM By Win International MinistriesIf you are an adult living the world today, you have no doubt experienced stress and anxiety at some point. In part, it may be created Read More »
Have faith for something better!
If God did it for Jessica Reedy,He can do it for you!
7:14 AM By Win Internation MinistriesWe have a special treat for you! In these SPECIAL videos of Jessica Reedy TV, Jess reflects upon her journey from depression and doubt in Saginaw, Read More »
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Don’t worry! Trust God
When God Answers Prayer…You May Have To Move Your Feet!
11:00 AM By Win Internation MinistriesA friend of mine, just posted this on Twitter "Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps, if you are not willing to move your Read More »
Wisdom Nuggets
Disgusting circumstances make room for God to make a way!
10:20 AM By Win International MinistriesIf YOU feel like YOU have been stuck in a hopeless situation, we’ve got some good news for you! No matter how impossible it may seem, Read More » -
Do you need a Worry lift?
7:00 AM By Win International MinistriesThe Bible tells us that "the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." If you are feeling brokenhearted, tired, Read More »
Fresh Start!
No matter what, don’t let your “song be silenced”!
7:00 AM By Win International MinistriesNever let your song be silenced. In troubling and uncertain times, it can be so easy to lose our joy, let fear creep in and tighten its Read More » -
Lamenting before God may help!
12:59 PM By Win International MinistriesWe come into this world crying. We cry again, frequently, while we’re young—usually because of some temporary pain or sadness which rudely snatches us away from Read More » -
Wait on God for your “fresh start”!
7:00 AM By Win International MinistriesAll at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot Read More »
Not Successful? Maybe it’s Not God’s Plan!
It’s no secret that the American dream is rooted and established on the idea of personal success. Our whole culture is centered upon personal achievement, and it’s become an obsession. We hear endless chatter of success in all different forms--