Tag Archives: Little

God is our Refuge and our Strength!

Have you ever needed a refuge, a place to hide from the storm? Our little boat was heading straight into a 50 MPH wind. My friend and me were out fishing on a small lake in the Midwest. We didn't

Claim God’s promises!

If you live your life claiming God's promises, nothing that life throws your way can come between you and God. Nothing can get in God's way of being able to work in your life. If you currently find yourself in

God’s turnaround includes your health!

In addition to turning things around in your finances, God wants to turn things around in your health. Do you ever wake up tired, not feeling good, or with a headache? A backache, a stomach ache, or any other pain,

Honoring The Job God Gave You Honors Him!

In what ways do most people honor God? Many people say, “I go to church to honor God.” “I read the Christian Bible to honor God.” “I pray and praise to honor God.” And yes, all of these are true

Random News Around The World!

JOHN WALLACE: Robin Williams a prince of comedy Or, as he would say, he was comfortable. He once said cocaine was God’s way of telling you, you had too much money. He and Robert DeNiro were in the room …

Do You wonder if God Answer Prayers?

Have you ever wondered if  God Answers Prayers? Have Faith in God like the two little children in the video. See how God is faithful when you call on Him!

Random News Around The World!

Billy Graham: God calls us to a higher standard But we sometimes forget that our language is a reflection of our inner thoughts, and when we use God’s name (for example) without even thinking about it, it indicates that he

Join with us in believing God for More!

The Lord is supernaturally moving in the earth realm both day and night, He is looking for those who have faith in Him and His abilities to provide. God is looking for those that will believe Him for more in

Are you discouraged in prayer?

Missionary to the Lisu People In the early 1900′s James Fraser left London for inland China to bring the good news of Jesus to the Lisu people, who lived between southwest China and Burma. He labored in prayer for God

Claim God’s promises!

If you live your life claiming God’s promises, nothing that life throws your way can come between you and God. Nothing can get in God’s way of being able to work in your life. If you currently find yourself in

Are You waiting on God?

We’ve noticed that 1 of the hardest thing for us Christians to do is wait on God, especially when we might find ourselves in very bad and painful situations. It’s easy to say that we will wait on God when

Let God hold your hand!

  One of the joys of being with kids is holding their hands. We do it to keep them safe while crossing the street, or to keep them from getting lost in a crowd. And whenever they stumble and lose

“Behold, I have put before you an open door” -Revelation 3:8

We are all, by nature,creatures of habit,easily lulled into complacency. However, God wants more from us so He nudges us forward, compelling us to change and to see the world through His eyes.As He does this, He reveals new opportunities
