Tag Archives: Than

Got problems?Turn to God for help!

The world we live in is changing everyday. It is so incredibly easy to become dragged down and depressed by everyday life. It can sometimes seem like you don't get through going through one thing before you have to go

No Matter What, Keep Dancing With God -Who Brought You!

Years before your junior prom, long before your kindergarten rendition of the hokey pokey, God began a dance with you. Before He sketched you out, He first sat down with a pen and paper and orchestrated every line of your

God wants to fix your broken pieces!

Have you ever felt as though your problem, circumstance or personal pain, although a big deal to you, seemed too small for God to be concerned about? Quite the contrary is true. God is not only your Creator and Father,

Ever Wonder Why God allows Suffering?

Of all the letters Paul wrote, Second Corinthians is the most autobiographical. In this letter Paul records the specifics of his anguish, tears, affliction, and satanic opposition. He spells out the details of his persecution, loneliness, imprisonments, beatings, feelings of

Is God Meeting With You Unrecognized?

Riding a bicycle is not only good exercise, an excuse to enjoy God's green earth, and good for the environment; it's also a way to be touched by God... let me continue. As I rode one Saturday morning recently, having

Pray that God Comforts Bobbi Kristinia’s Family!

Before the world learned about Bobbi Kristinia's Death her father Bobby Brown spent his Sunday connecting with family members to share the news. A Brown relative tells PEOPLE that Bobby began contacting loved ones to tell them the news shortly

Troubled or Frustrated?Try Peace Prayers!

The effectiveness of prayer has been clearly proven. Numerous studies demonstrate that healing prayers can be a major contributor to recovery. Similarly, prayer promotes both physical health, emotional well being and peace in those who pray regularly. Anyone who meditates or

Are You At A Crossroads Called Kadesh?

The modern church in America seems to be in a day of trouble. Many in the church today have lost their power. The powerlessness of the church coincides with her lack in purity. Isaiah said, "This day is a day

Want an escape?Take a minute to imagine!

Imagine if you will that you are in Hawaii on a deserted island with the water and the winds blowing up against your face. The weather is absolutely perfect, you are feeling as free as a bird and you are

Are you facing impossible situations?

If you’ve been walking with God any length of time then we’re sure that you have quickly found out that the road that you have to travel as you follow God is often rough, tough and downright terrible some times.

Work With No Sweat!

It’s no sweat!” we say when something is easy for us. What if we lived life without sweating? Without straining, hurrying, or worrying? That’s how Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden—till they separated themselves from God. Ever

Are you seeking God for answers?

When problems occur in your life, do you ever question God and ask “why?” Do you ever wonder why such a good God would allow so much pain and so much suffering? For example, have you ever thought to yourself

God does want to bless you but for a Purpose!

God does not have a problem with you being rich as long as He is first place in your life. In fact, He wants you rich. He needs you to help finance His end time harvest of souls. As Christ’s
