Tag Archives: Trusted

4 Reasons Your Faith Needs God’s Promises

The first few years of becoming a Christian most people don't study or emphasize God’s promises. God has many promises of salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life. But in order to know what those promises are, you must read the

Don’t Worry, God will Help you!

Over the ages, God has been proven faithful by the many things that He has done for His people. In Genesis, we read Him saving Noah and his family from the wickedness of their time. We read God mightily delivering

What to Do When Worry Gets the Best of You!

One of my friends sent me a text upon learning her husband was diagnosed with colon cancer. I was surprised—yet encouraged—by her reaction. "God's got this," she said confidently. I want that type of unswerving trust in the One who

Keeping waiting on God,He’ll help you!

Does the path of your life seems impossibly steep and lengthy? If it does,you may be at the point of having no strength and no will for the journey that God has you on. You may have been traveling

Maybe God wants More Than Letter-Reading!

The president of his own company employing several hundred workers was preparing for an extended business trip. Before leaving he sat down and wrote a lengthy letter, detailing projects he wanted accomplished in his absence, clients he wanted contacted,

Are You Praying Trying To Figure God out?

I'm sure you know what it's like to wait upon God for something and to wonder, at times, if he's even listening at all. I remember waiting upon God for a second child and wondering if he was even there

Trust God To Help YOU Manage YOUR New Year!

There are a number of different reasons why some people are afraid to trust God for His help. But it seems that in the troubling days we are living in, a few more people each day are at least considering

Ever Wonder If God is to Blame For Stuff? Come Closer!

What’s God like? What’s your idea of Him? Angry? Preferring judgment and revenge over mercy? Taking what we love away from us to teach us lessons? An angry, one-eyed schoolmaster with the rod in one hand and a spoonful of

Happy Mother’s Day!

We'd like to take this opportunity to wish all mother's a happy Mother's day! We'd like to thank you for being you and thank you for all that you do, all that you've done and all that you're going to

Keep talking to God..Get to Know Him!

Only when we know someone can we truly trust him. The same can be applied to God. If you open the door to the God of the universe whose essence is Love, if you sit at His feet, if you

Whose Kingdom is This Anyway?

I have always been far too preoccupied with my own glory. I don’t like saying that because it sounds terrible. And embarrassing. And deeply sinful. God does not share his glory with anyone else and our lives need to be preoccupied with

Will YOU Be 1 of the 1’s?

When I was a little boy, my dad preached occasionally for small congregations who didn't have a regular preacher. Where he lacked polish, he compensated with his passion and colorful stories. One of his favorite sermons that I heard several

Happy Father’s Day!

As we celebrate this Father’s Day, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all men who are Father’s a happy Father’s Day as well as all of the men who aren’t father’s a happy day. For all men have

Even Mary-mother of Jesus had hardships!

Child of God, think it not strange concerning the fiery trials that are trying you and trying to choke every ounce of life out of you that they can, the devil is busy and He is on a mission to
