God is working while YOU’RE waiting!

Don’t be discouraged by your circumstances. We know it’s easier said than done, but God is faithful, and He is working behind the scenes to bring about a better tomorrow. It may not always feel like it, but it’s true. Trust in Him, and let’s explore some ways that He could be potentially working behind the scenes to bring about a better tomorrow.

Firstly, God could be using your trials and tribulations to shape us into the person He wants you to be. It’s important to remember that hardships can bring about growth and wisdom. So even though it may be tough right now, you may look back in the future and thank God for the lessons you learned along the way.

Secondly, God may be aligning your circumstances with His master plan. YOU may not understand why things are happening the way they are, but God sees the bigger picture. Sometimes YOU need to simply have faith that things are happening for a reason. This can be hard to comprehend, but it’s important to remember that YOU are not in control.


Thirdly, God may be using your hardships to prepare us for a greater purpose. We may not see it now, but God could be preparing you to help others who will go through similar trials and tribulations. Your experiences can help you empathize and relate to others in ways that YOU may not have been able to before.

Finally, God may be using your circumstances to draw YOU closer to Him. Sometimes it’s only when YOU hit rock bottom that you turn to God for guidance and comfort. Your struggles can bring YOU to your knees in prayer, which can strengthen your relationship with God. It’s important to remember that you are not alone in your struggles, and God is always with you.

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that God is faithful, and He is always working behind the scenes to bring about a better tomorrow. Don’t be discouraged by your circumstances. Instead, have faith that God is using your struggles to shape you into the person He wants you to be, aligning your circumstances with His master plan, preparing you for a greater purpose, and drawing you closer to Him. Trust in Him, and know that He will never leave nor forsake you.

If you are in a season of waiting and wondering if God has heard your prayers, know that you are not alone. Waiting can be difficult and it can sometimes feel like God is silent. But even in the silence, YOU can trust that God is working behind the scenes. We encourage you to pray the prayer below often and keep waiting on God while He is working if you are waiting on God to answer your prayers, for God can and will make a way for you somehow!

Let us pray:

Dear God, in this moment of waiting, we come to you with open hearts and minds. Help us to trust in your plan and timing, even when we don’t understand it. Give us the strength to hold onto faith and hope in the midst of uncertainty.

Lord, we ask that you speak to us in the silence and help us to hear your voice. Give us the peace that surpasses all understanding, knowing that you are with us every step of the way.

We pray for You to help us to have patience and to have endurance during this season of waiting.  May we grow closer to you and deepen our trust in your love and goodness, your kindness and your mercy.

Thank you for always being faithful, even when we are not. We trust in your perfect timing and we know that your answers are always for our best. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Need more prayer? Visit the link below;

Prayer | CBN

Why We Pray the Examen Each Night with Our 11-Month-Old Son - Jesuits.org
